Looks like overwatered in coco. But I havent watered them in days.

Mr budman

New Member
So i recently transplanted from happy from 1 gallon, to 3 gallon in coco mix. I did not release the soil from the roots before I did the transplant, and I check the PH levels and they are in between 5.8 and 6.0.

I feel as if the water is being trapped in the pot, but I also feel as if I am doing something else wrong. Please help me.


Well-Known Member
coco doesn't get overwatered...if anything you should water the shit out of them after a transplant..i mean really soak them even twice a day. Why aren't you watering your plants?
Also, when asking for help you're gonna need to be A LOT more specific and clear

Mr budman

New Member
I re watered 1 plant that was showing signs of overwatering yesterday, and it is still showing signs of overwatering.

When I transplanted, the plants were first in soil. Then I moved it to 3 gallons, and filled it with coco.

Would the soil contain too much water for too long?
Would pictures even help this situation, or should i keep watering this 1 plant and see what happens? doesnt look like much is changing after a 72 hour period from second water.


Well-Known Member
Did you transplant the plant with the roots BUSTING out of the soil? The roots may not of made it out of the soil mass yet. You cant over water coco, UNLESS you just transplanted.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who says you can't overwater in coco is wrong lol . You can overwater in any type of substrate. When transplanting you should give them one good watering with super thrive and then let them dry out .DO NOT WATER TWICE A DAY FOR MORE THEM ONE DAY . You will ruin your plants

Mr budman

New Member
Did you transplant the plant with the roots BUSTING out of the soil? The roots may not of made it out of the soil mass yet. You cant over water coco, UNLESS you just transplanted.
these were my exact steps of when the issue had begun...

. watered, while in soil.
. waited 1 day
. transplanted to coco.
signs of over water had shown the next day.

now its been a week since I've last watered them.

re watered 1 plant today to see if it were a ph issue i was having, as well with cal mag.... just for the... mmph work please.


I am fairly new to this, but someone please point an obvious issue to this big problem I have.. XD.

it shouldnt take 10 days to wait to feed... right?

and I have thriving babies in DWC bux of the same genetics...


Well-Known Member
Honestly you should be watering everyday after 1 week of transplant.
Just water it everyday man. If you dont you WILL run into PH issues.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who says you can't overwater in coco is wrong lol . You can overwater in any type of substrate. When transplanting you should give them one good watering with super thrive and then let them dry out .DO NOT WATER TWICE A DAY FOR MORE THEM ONE DAY . You will ruin your plants
Coco cannot be overwatered once roots are established, because over watering is not a issue with plants. The lack of oxygen is what makes the plant sad.

Mr budman

New Member
Coco cannot be overwatered once roots are established, because over watering is not a issue with plants. The lack of oxygen is what makes the plant sad.
I water twice a week not twice a day lol

Do you realize I have 4 different answers here, all contradicting eachothers solutions....

Can the coco burn the roots causing yellow?

what else can vasue over water symptoms.
Is there any formula that I am missing........


Well-Known Member
Lol..this is all fucked up. First he transplanted from soil to coco which have drastically different ph and nutrient requirements and then says he hasnt watered for a week?
Lol..good luck with all that bro..


Well-Known Member
I've grown in pretty much just coco and perlite before it's not that big of a deal. Just water it a few times before u put your plants in. You will be fine


Well-Known Member
coming from the guy that says "coco doesn't get overwatered"
If you water your plants twice a day like you suggest, that's overwatering bro.
You guys are on another level saying you can over water coco.... You cant... I have tried lol.
I have a friend KILLING it in 5 gals feeding 800 ppm 6 times a day...
I myself have had great results feeding multiple times a day. Even in 70 gal coco beds......
Your doing it wrong if your not at least watering once a day. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
Budman post this same question in the outdoor thread and you will get much better information .... Not trying to be rude but This guy saying he waters 6 times a day shows how bad of a grower he is ...

Mr budman

New Member
You guys are on another level saying you can over water coco.... You cant... I have tried lol.
I have a friend KILLING it in 5 gals feeding 800 ppm 6 times a day...
I myself have had great results feeding multiple times a day. Even in 70 gal coco beds......
Your doing it wrong if your not at least watering once a day. Just saying.

I would absolutely love to water these fuckers that many times a day..... but those 2 that I watered again ...... dead. So your solution sucks ass and isn't plausible in this situation. ty tho.