Kratom appreciation thread


Well-Known Member
It's my new favourite drug... Seriously, even more than weed, although the combination is lovely.

I like having access to all kinds of different strains for different situations/times of day... Borneo red for relaxing and watching a movie before bed, Maeng Da for going out dancing or getting shit done, and everything in between. Although if you want to get totally outta your mind fucked up, kratom isn't what you're looking for.

It's dirt cheap, a single dose for me costs like 30 cents.

Easily accessible online, gets delivered straight to my doorstep without fucking around on the dark web because it's completely legal.

Consuming it is super stealthy, you just eat some powder and wash it down with a drink and you're good to go.

I love this shit.
What effects do you get from taking kratom?
Depends on the strain. Generally though, it's similar to an opiate, albeit with lighter effects. Relaxation, sociability and euphoria mainly, a more uppity strain like Maeng Da is like that + a cup of coffee. It provides energy and stimulation, promotes focus - excellent for studying or going out!
I took it everyday for over a year during a long experiment, but eventually gave it up because like everything else for me, I kept taking more and more and developed negative side effects etc.. It's wonderful if you can keep moderation and preferably haven't had a history of opiate abuse beforehand.
Depends on the strain. Generally though, it's similar to an opiate, albeit with lighter effects. Relaxation, sociability and euphoria mainly, a more uppity strain like Maeng Da is like that + a cup of coffee. It provides energy and stimulation, promotes focus - excellent for studying or going out!
kratom gave me the shits for like 2 weeks straight was like pissing put my ass
It constipated me more than anything I've ever experienced, until my body adjusted to it... and I never got the shits when quitting it either, unlike opiates
lolol last lot i had was bad maybe mixed with somthing eles like datura not sure but it wasent nice ened up sacking it with about 60mg of oxy
It constipated me more than anything I've ever experienced, until my body adjusted to it... and I never got the shits when quitting it either, unlike opiates
The constipation is the worst, one time I thought I was gonna have to go to the hospital, instead I went to the store and got a box of those fiber one brownie things and drank a gallon of water...
Depends on the strain. Generally though, it's similar to an opiate, albeit with lighter effects. Relaxation, sociability and euphoria mainly, a more uppity strain like Maeng Da is like that + a cup of coffee. It provides energy and stimulation, promotes focus - excellent for studying or going out!
It is an opioid, mitragynine activates the mu receptor.
I don't use it anymore. But when coming off opiates was a lifesaver for me. Never got much of any buzz. But made me feel good enough to go out and be active.
Yeah this stuff is good and legal. I usually toss 1/2 tsp back with some water. Good for anxiety and overall good mood. I can actually function throughout the day using it too. I'm a little worried about kids trying to take like a handful of it at once then vomiting their brains out leading to states trying to make it illegal (a few have). Too bad it's too difficult to cultivate :)
I haven't experienced the constipation, but it's a commonly reported side effect. My gf gets it pretty bad.
I get a buzz but I have no tolerance for opiates/opioids, or much of a tolerance for kratom as of yet... I'm generally a pretty sensitive individual when it comes to most substances.

It is an opioid, mitragynine activates the mu receptor.
What's the difference between an opioid and opiate? My understanding is that opiates are made from opium (heroin, morphine, etc.), whereas opioids are things that activate opioid receptors.
I haven't experienced the constipation, but it's a commonly reported side effect. My gf gets it pretty bad.
I get a buzz but I have no tolerance for opiates/opioids, or much of a tolerance for kratom as of yet... I'm generally a pretty sensitive individual when it comes to most substances.

What's the difference between an opioid and opiate? My understanding is that opiates are made from opium (heroin, morphine, etc.), whereas opioids are things that activate opioid receptors.

The constipation is a problem for most. The fact that it's plant matter probably helps.
Technically opiates are chemicals produced by the opium poppy, like morphine, codeine, and thebaine. Some like thebaine aren't even active. Frequently the word is also used to describe the semisynthetics that are derived from opium alkaloids such as hydromorphone and heroin. Opioids refers to compounds that bind to the mu opioid receptor regardless of origin.
The constipation is a problem for most. The fact that it's plant matter probably helps.
Technically opiates are chemicals produced by the opium poppy, like morphine, codeine, and thebaine. Some like thebaine aren't even active. Frequently the word is also used to describe the semisynthetics that are derived from opium alkaloids such as hydromorphone and heroin. Opioids refers to compounds that bind to the mu opioid receptor regardless of origin.
That's kinda what I thought, thanks for clearing that up for me!
I haven't experienced the constipation, but it's a commonly reported side effect. My gf gets it pretty bad.
I get a buzz but I have no tolerance for opiates/opioids, or much of a tolerance for kratom as of yet... I'm generally a pretty sensitive individual when it comes to most substances.

What's the difference between an opioid and opiate? My understanding is that opiates are made from opium (heroin, morphine, etc.), whereas opioids are things that activate opioid receptors.
opiate - narcotic analgesic derived from a opium poppy (natural)

opioid - narcotic analgesic that is at least part synthetic, not found in nature
I took to much of the concentrate one time. If you take to much its worse than od ing on opiates. I got so sick and cold sweats. I haven't touched it since. I used to like brewing some whole leaf with a little tea.
Kratom is great if your the right person and use it correctly but can kick your ass when abused. Makes me last forever in bed and a great uplift after a rough day but dosing high enough to get any pronounced euphoria seems to give me head head spins at an exponentially proportionate level.

Ive used this for short durations here and there for more than a decade, long before it ended up in head shops as a "legal drug". Disregard most of the info you read online if you try this one but know the side effects are real and effect everyone differently. For me I'm very sensitive to Kratom if I haven't used this in some months 3.5grams for a first dose done in a tea without drinking the bottoms is way way more than I needed and almost always leaves me extremely uncomfortable with very shallow breathing. Ive heard of people taking 10-20gram/dose and more, I could never imagine taking that much without some serious side effects or worse.

For me its about as habit forming as drinking a morning coffee but others can get in some serious trouble with this stuff. What I do get though is extremely bad depression for the next few days following a week long evening tea routine but its easy to abstain, doesn't drive me to take a dose . Watch yourself with this one, some people seem to do better than others with it start with very low doses and treat this one with respect.