Help! Please it's urgent!


Active Member
I'm having this issue where leaves are dying! It started with the first two leaves on the bottom, then rapidly shriveled up my second set, and 3rd set of leaves are now showing the same signs! It keeps popping up after I notice the top half of the fan leaf stem turn purple. I was told it was a CalMag mag issue but I have her in tap water, plenty of calcium and Magnesium in there.

CAM00343.jpg CAM00342.jpg

  • DWC
  • PH-5.5
  • Cream of the crop Cash Crop
  • 2- 24" T5HO +135W LED (14" above plant)
  • RH 40%
  • Temp: 73-79f Day/65-70f Night
  • Res. Temp 65-72f
  • solution 430ppm @700 conversion
  • Total ppm 630 @700 conversion (ppm is at seedling strength according to FF, NO signs of burn just deficiency)
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Active Member
If ur new to growing try soil first
why? Hydro can be just as easy as long as steps are followed.... maybe even easier... And I don't mean to sound like an ungrateful ass, but how the hell does that response help me at all? It's obvious I already started this venture in Hydro, so you rather me scrap this and go to soil after the fact? I might be new, but I have enough common sense to know that telling someone to switch to soil AFTER they started a hydro grow is asinine.


Well-Known Member
U can make the switch dude when i transplant i wash my roots completely for about 20 mins then re pot but im just sayin u have a cal mag problem and if u have tryed already to correct it and u cant u will only see more problems in the future its best to have a few test runs to see how everything works and grows,

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You DON'T REALLY know exactly whats in that tap water Chum!!!!

USE a Ca/Mg supplement AND get an RO!

With Hydro it's FAR easier to start with a water that you know has nothing in it.....Then YOU add what it needs!!!

Also...a pH of 5.5 is LOW for 5.9 to 6.2 as your limits.....Check and adjust everyday at lights on!


Well-Known Member
Few things are urgent when growing, things take time to work themselves out.

Get rid of those rocks, theyre sharp and inappropriate for hydro. Spend a few dollars on hydroton. Also, work on your attitude, if you don't have patience and can't take criticism, you will fail.


Well-Known Member
I know some people say they had great plants with tap water....I dont doubd that, however, using RO water, demineralized water, or distilled water, would be much better !

Regarding PH , I'd say 5.5 is alright. There are moments when I drop the PH to 5.2 and moments when I let it go up to 6.5: different nutrients become available at different PH levels. This does not mean to fluctuate your PH up and down all day everyday. Just dont freak out if it buffers between 5.2-6.2

<<<it looks like a cal-mag deficiency>>>


Active Member
Ok I get everyone says use RO, but I do know that FoxFarm requires "tap" water. There's not enough calcium and Magnesium in FF so it's necessary for the tap water. If you look at GH Flora Micro, there's one for tap/hard water and one for use in 0ppm water like RO.

As for the CalMag deficiency, could there be too much calcium in the water locking out Mg?


Well-Known Member
Ok I get everyone says use RO, but I do know that FoxFarm requires "tap" water. There's not enough calcium and Magnesium in FF so it's necessary for the tap water. If you look at GH Flora Micro, there's one for tap/hard water and one for use in 0ppm water like RO.

As for the CalMag deficiency, could there be too much calcium in the water locking out Mg?
Look up hempy bucket. Just need a bucket and some perlite. Can use the same nutes.

I agree. I don't really like those rocks in the grow. Could be some residual something screwing up your PH or whatever in your nutrient solution. I guess rocks should work, but may need some dialing in.

If you wanna save you're grow, consider HEMPY or the ideas given above.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ok I started in DWC and did 2 runs. When there is a deficiency or anything wrong, it only takes a few hours for things to go horribly wrong. If you work like most people then this is a problem.
I am still using tap water and have found that no matter what I try and do, I still have issue's. Even though I'm certain that when I get an RO setup then the issue your seeing like myself will probably clear up. Just like Dr Who said above, with RO, you know exactly what's in the water.

Now making a setup for dwc is cheap so don't bitch about switching. I recommend going to coco coir like I am. Already have a few sprouted and they are growing almost as fast as the dwc. Dwc is really hard but it's the big "hype" when searching around. You did what I did, you found people doing very well in dwc and saw huge buds. The buds are just as big in coco and you can even use organics if you want.

One of my main reasons for leaving dwc: you cannot use any bloom boosters or the water will go to shit if you do. If your using coco, you can add whatever you want provided the plants can take it.

Don't be offended when someone says to switch to something else that may be easier. I'm new like you and am switching after 2 runs and realizing other people are right.
Coco coir!
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Active Member
Your pH is causing your problem without a doubt. If you keep pHing to 5.5 you'll start to see a P deficiency as well as your mG deficiency. Review this chart, consider the fact that your pH is going to swing up and down a little naturally, and start pHing to 5.8 to 6.2.

If you're willing to accept that it's twice the work of soil I recommend you just stay with hydro. Half of that work however is not in your grow room, it's extra knowledge you need. Research, research, and read some more, and take anything you get on this forum especially with a huge grain of salt.


Active Member
Your pH is causing your problem without a doubt. If you keep pHing to 5.5 you'll start to see a P deficiency as well as your mG deficiency. Review this chart, consider the fact that your pH is going to swing up and down a little naturally, and start pHing to 5.8 to 6.2.

If you're willing to accept that it's twice the work of soil I recommend you just stay with hydro. Half of that work however is not in your grow room, it's extra knowledge you need. Research, research, and read some more, and take anything you get on this forum especially with a huge grain of salt.
I have done a ton of research, just figured it was best to get someone's opinion. As for hydro, I'm willing to do all the work necessary to make it worth it. I'm technical by nature, 14years in computer engineering. So a highly technical setup like hydro is perfect for me.

I have let the Ph swing up a bit, it's now @5.8, I will keep monitoring it and make sure I keep it in the 6.0-6.5 range to increase CalMag uptake.

I figured that she had a severe CalMag from using distilled water and not adding micro nutrients like calcium and Magnesium. I'm hoping that it's just going to take her time to recover. It still has crazy New growth and that last few days I've notice more roots coming out.
Guess I just gotta be patient.

THANK YOU ALL to your advice


Active Member
Your pH is causing your problem without a doubt. If you keep pHing to 5.5 you'll start to see a P deficiency as well as your mG deficiency. Review this chart, consider the fact that your pH is going to swing up and down a little naturally, and start pHing to 5.8 to 6.2.

If you're willing to accept that it's twice the work of soil I recommend you just stay with hydro. Half of that work however is not in your grow room, it's extra knowledge you need. Research, research, and read some more, and take anything you get on this forum especially with a huge grain of salt.
Quick question on your chart, how come every where I look, Ph nute uptake is slightly different everywhere, some say CalMag 6-6.5, your chart says Ca cuts off after 5.9. I'm just a bit confused to that aspect of PH


Well-Known Member
I would check my ph every day no matter what I was in ebb and flow table little different but I ph to 5.8 and keep it there the rocks should be ok that not killin ur plant did u start in rockwool from seed how do ur roots looks is the water up to the bottoms of net pots or close? do u have air stone? and is ur bucket light proof? just asking u want all this stuff to be on point cause hydro is unforgiveing one little problem can fuck u if ur not on top of it but once u get it down it is easy and u can get hugh budz how often do u change rez, and do u calibrate ur meter that's a must?


Well-Known Member
I ran gh nutez the 3 part with like 5 other gh products and have had great plants, never had any problems except once when my meter was reading wrong from not calibrateing my boy did dwc and had a light leak and got slime and I think every week u should change rez I did mine every 2 but that was ebb and flow, once u get it down it will be worth it, I did hydro for 5 years now im back where I started with custom made supersoil and 5 gallon pots I love organics


Well-Known Member
let your ph swing from 5.6 to 6.0 and your plants will be able to get at everything.i hope you rinsed the rocks really good also.if your hell bent on using tap water you should have it tested somewhere where they will give you a detailed analasys so you know what your working ppm should be 350-to 450 on plants that small imo.i would dump your tank and start over.not all tap has enough cal or mag,and some has way too much of one or both so have it tested.


Active Member
I would check my ph every day no matter what I was in ebb and flow table little different but I ph to 5.8 and keep it there the rocks should be ok that not killin ur plant did u start in rockwool from seed how do ur roots looks is the water up to the bottoms of net pots or close? do u have air stone? and is ur bucket light proof? just asking u want all this stuff to be on point cause hydro is unforgiveing one little problem can fuck u if ur not on top of it but once u get it down it is easy and u can get hugh budz how often do u change rez, and do u calibrate ur meter that's a must?
Ok let's answer those questions, and I hope I'm doing things right...

  • From seed- rapid rooter plug directly in the rocks
  • Water is covering 1" of the bottom of the net pot
  • Yes on air stone (pics below)
  • roots are white and already coming thru
  • Black bucket checked for light leaks
  • BluLab PH and PPM pens regularly checked, cleaned, calibrated. (If I get an off number, I check my readings against reference solution to make sure it's right)
  • CAM00308.jpg

ole hippy

dude just do something simple simple is best with the time and effort invest just a little more money and get distilled water if not draw water from tap and let sit 24 hours uncapped that will get the crap out of the tap water they put in it then if you haven't done so go to hydro store or get online and get a general organics grow box that will give you step by step instructions on the proper feeding and everything your plant needs I would also suggest not using soil go get a good grow medium with peralite for moisture control don't know if this helps good luck and burn 1 for me


Active Member
dude just do something simple simple is best with the time and effort invest just a little more money and get distilled water if not draw water from tap and let sit 24 hours uncapped that will get the crap out of the tap water they put in it then if you haven't done so go to hydro store or get online and get a general organics grow box that will give you step by step instructions on the proper feeding and everything your plant needs I would also suggest not using soil go get a good grow medium with peralite for moisture control don't know if this helps good luck and burn 1 for me
I use a garden hose filter, activated carbon, it does remove the bad crap from the water


Well-Known Member
looks good to me bro, I think u will be good as long as u keep ur ph in the 5.8-6.1 drift and it might take a little bit for ur plant to come around, are the roots in the water yet? and ur ppm is 700 maybe back off a little for now, shit maybe do a bucket change and do straight water for 2 days and then do about 450 ppm and when ur girl or boy gets big u can hammer the nutz to her, in full flower my ppm would be 1300 I went by the gh nutez caliculator to the exact gallon tells u the different weeks its almost dummy proof, but other then that u should be good keep us updated