Looks like overwatered in coco. But I havent watered them in days.

Mr budman

New Member
Budman post this same question in the outdoor thread and you will get much better information .... Not trying to be rude but This guy saying he waters 6 times a day shows how bad of a grower he is ...
Kk. Ty for the forward. Is there a way to move the forum there without copy and pasting ??


Well-Known Member
I would absolutely love to water these fuckers that many times a day..... but those 2 that I watered again ...... dead. So your solution sucks ass and isn't plausible in this situation. ty tho.
I mentioned when you have ESTABLISHED ROOTS, which you dont have........


Well-Known Member
I grow coco trees and nobody can say watering 2-3 times a day is overwatering . Its nonsense. Maybe if you growing in a cold grow room with some small plants but not with trees papa



Well-Known Member
Yea maybe if your growing in straight coco but who the hell does that. HAHAHAH so you can't even leave your house for more than 4 hours without having to go home and water?
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Well-Known Member
Yea maybe if your growing in straight coco but who the hell does that. HAHAHAH so you can't even leave your house for more than 4 hours without having to go home and water?
Lol... no bro. I actually have a life lol
TIMERS. Pump turns on. Controller opens valves. Controller closes valves. Pump turns off.
375 Gal res pre mixxed everyday so instead of not being able to leave the house every 4 hours I just mix a res and let it do its thing.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who says you can't overwater in coco is wrong lol . You can overwater in any type of substrate. When transplanting you should give them one good watering with super thrive and then let them dry out .DO NOT WATER TWICE A DAY FOR MORE THEM ONE DAY . You will ruin your plants
I’m currently watering my girls twice a day with no issues upto now I’m also in coco and theyv been in there new pots 6 days?

