Strange question about flowering times outdoors


ok lets say... Once upon a time I saw a plant that started outdoors after last frost and all summer long she grew and grew. In the fall she came indoors... And kept growing. Was toped several times and she still ended up almost 10 feet tall. This was supposed to be a short plant with an 8 week flower. That somehow turned into a monster that never seemed to wan to finnish. So... When you read seed to finish 8 weeks.
What exactly does this mean.
For example my climate is short and cold. We get frost about mid august. By mid summer we have daylight almost 24/7 the sun doesnt set so much as it dips on the horizon. Given an enviroment like that and 8 weeks from seed to finish. Will such a plant actually finish ?
What im thinking is... Would a colder season and the outdoor light cycle cause the 8 weeks to drag on and on and on... Or will an 8 week strain always be an 8 week strain ?

Thanks :D


Well-Known Member
If it doesn't get 12 hours of complete dark it will not start to flower. Best bet seems to find somewhere that you can fit the plant, get a 1000 watt hps, and put it on a 12/12 cycle.


Oh and speaking of frost in mid to late august. What would would have time to finish in this environment if anything. Im thinking blueberry, NL#5, white rhino and well thats all ive come up with.

Capt. Trips

Well-Known Member
If it says 8 weeks from seed to finish, I would assume it's an autoflowering strain. Unless you meant 8 week flowering time, in which case it could be a regular photoperiod plant that isn't getting the darkness that it needs to flower properly. But if it is an auto, you shouldn't need 12 hours of dark for it to flower, because autos, unlike photoperiod strains, will flower regardless of the light schedule. Maybe it's an auto that just isn't a very good auto? But 8 weeks seed to finish sounds pretty auto to me.

charles lewis

Well-Known Member
When growing outdoors you can't put it into weeks. It's nit like indoor were you can make the time exactly as you want. You have to use the sun rise sunset calender for your location. Then also factor in weather also. Its really just grow and watch you ladies till you check and they are ready.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Any breeders report should be taken with a grain of salt for times.....Rule of thumb, ADD 1-2 weeks to any report...


Well-Known Member
If it doesn't get 12 hours of complete dark it will not start to flower. Best bet seems to find somewhere that you can fit the plant, get a 1000 watt hps, and put it on a 12/12 cycle.
In regards to outdoor growing, mj does not need 12 hours of total darkness to flower. Nothing magic about 12 hours except indoor growers commonly use it to trigger flowering. The plant just needs a decrease in daylight and it varies by strain. Moonlight does not interrupt flowering or cause hermies. Most of mine last year initiated flowering around 14.5 to 14 hours of daylight.