Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Well-Known Member
Right on, that makes sense. Like I said I did notice less gnats when I did it. What medium do you use if you dont mind me asking? I have noticed I really dont get much compaction since I switched to roots organic, even with a long veg. Atleast not like when I was using ffof, that stuff would get downright hard.
A custom mix I use. It's ROLS in a sense. I reuse it 6 cycles and then it goes into the garden/compost.

The only bottle that touches my garden is molasses and that's just to feed the microherds. Started in organics growing up then like a fool went to bottled shit. Never again...

Jack O'Neill

Well-Known Member
I don't use rocks, I use chunky perlite and I also have fabric pots.
since your using fabric pots. try skipping the perlite next time. more soil food and space for roots, instead of pricey perlite/clay pepples. i thought about doing that too awhile back. but found too many cons and not really any benefits when using fabric pots or any pots in my opinion when i was researching. but if thats what you do, i wouldnt say its a con in my book. you do nice work!


Well-Known Member
since your using fabric pots. try skipping the perlite next time. more soil food and space for roots, instead of pricey perlite/clay pepples. i thought about doing that too awhile back. but found too many cons and not really any benefits when using fabric pots or any pots in my opinion when i was researching. but if thats what you do, i wouldnt say its a con in my book. you do nice work!
I've done it many times without it. That's how I started ;)

The whole point of roout routers and fabric pots is that that the plant stops focusing all its roots downward.
I want roots to go everywhere. Even on top. I don't care if roots go up,down,sideways, circles, roots are roots and the more happy roots you have the happier plants you have. It's what has allowed me to pull a qp or more from a 3 gallon pot.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Well kinda, you said so it don't focus all energy downward. I'm not here to argue. I was just speaking my mind.

Carry on.
I was saying that if the roots don't get air trimmed the roots put most of their roots on the bot to of the pot.

Perlite on bot to is to keep them up and away from excess water and to air prune your roots.

Air pots and fabric pots already air prune.


Well-Known Member
I was saying that if the roots don't get air trimmed the roots put most of their roots on the bot to of the pot.

Perlite on bot to is to keep them up and away from excess water and to air prune your roots.

Air pots and fabric pots already air prune.
Try covering the top of your fabric pot. You can get the roots to populate the top.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I think Giggles means a plastic mulch... trying it out myself and it is worth a go I can tell you that much. From now on I am vegfing a week longer and putting plastic cover over soon as I hit flower it is really going to up root mass. I am pretty convinced by the method now.
Like a plastic poly? Or a special plastic bark?

Jack O'Neill

Well-Known Member
i cover with straw mulch
quote from somewhere. cant remember where. but this was in my notes. "try to use straw instead of hay because fewer weed seeds are found in straw"
i really dont think it matters. i've heard of people using both


Well-Known Member
I think Giggles means a plastic mulch... trying it out myself and it is worth a go I can tell you that much. From now on I am vegfing a week longer and putting plastic cover over soon as I hit flower it is really going to up root mass. I am pretty convinced by the method now.
Ding ding ding!!!! We have a winner!!!!
Ha, I'm just a mom/grower/wife and midnight mischief maker.

I'm happy to share pictures people want to see. Makes me feel useful.

Genuity and Mad are gonna have way more strain info than me. I have only grown grapestomper bx, one pack of aloha grape, and half a pack of cherry jo.
What was the cherry like ??
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