what it means to be an anarchist in a capitalist society. A discussion on anarchy.

This should be an interesting thread.

At least I don't describe pedophilia as a consensual agreement the way you do.

I don't describe it the way you ascribe it to me either,but why ruin a good thing for the stooges.

Perhaps you could tell me how the nature of an act, even if it is heinous, can change whether or not it was consented to?

"I don't describe pedophilia as consensual, but how is pedophilia not consensual?"

It isn't one or the other, it could be either. You are either obtuse or intentionally trying to make me look like I approve of something that I don't. That's dishonest or stupid, and frankly a shitty debate tactic.

In any event, please describe how the nature of an act which we both apparently find heinous can change whether or not the participants consented to it or not?
It isn't one or the other, it could be either.

You say pedophilia isn't consensual or nonconsensual, but that it can be consensual. You believe pedophilia can be consensual. I don't imply anything else, I leave that part blank. You have now clearly and repeatedly affirmed that you believe pedophilia can be consented to.
You say pedophilia isn't consensual or nonconsensual, but that it can be consensual. You believe pedophilia can be consensual. I don't imply anything else, I leave that part blank. You have now clearly and repeatedly affirmed that you believe pedophilia can be consented to.

I believe heinous things can be and are consented to. Are you denying that?

Also, you're working hard to try to make a belief in a circumstance which you can't rebut seem like a preference or an endorsement. for it. That's very telling, Uncle Buckish even.
You say pedophilia isn't consensual or nonconsensual, but that it can be consensual. You believe pedophilia can be consensual. I don't imply anything else, I leave that part blank. You have now clearly and repeatedly affirmed that you believe pedophilia can be consented to.

I see what you're doing there. Clever, very clever.

So, can you describe how the nature of an act, which most people find heinous, can indicate whether or not the participants consented to it or not?

I don't think you've done that yet..
I believe heinous things can be and are consented to. Are you denying that
Duly noted that you believe pedophilia can be consensual.

Also, you're working hard to try to make a belief in a circumstance which you can't rebut seem like a preference or an endorsement. for it.

I'm not actually. I'm not even trying to rebut it. You believe pedophilia can be consensual as you have repeatedly affirmed and that speaks for itself.
Actually, this subject has every bit of relevance to the thread title.

In the pornography career of Traci Lords there was neither informed consent or absence of coercion. One need only look at the circumstances of her early life to see the immense disparity between her life and the prospect of fame and wealth. The rest of society faces a similar dilemma in the choice between working and starving but hers is an extreme example of such a choice. To this day she disapproves of her image as a former adult film star preferring to be taken seriously as a talented actress and not simply a sexual object. This was imposed upon her by society and removes her freedom of self determination.
no, children cannot consent to be paid for sex, spaMBLA.

Okay. So what makes that so? How can you prove that? Are you capable of buttressing your argument with any utterance other
than nuh uh or false allegations designed to denigrate me because you can't defend your own arguments very well?

How does the nature of an act, even if it is heinous, change whether or not the act was consented to?

Your "smart" buddy Abandon Debate already ran and hid from the question...you will too.
Okay. So what makes that so? How can you prove that? Are you capable of buttressing your argument with any utterance other
than nuh uh or false allegations designed to denigrate me because you can't defend your own arguments very well?

How does the nature of an act, even if it is heinous, change whether or not the act was consented to?

Your "smart" buddy Abandon Debate already ran and hid from the question...you will too.
So you're still demanding a response to your belief that pedophilia is consensual?

By pointing out that it requires no addendum, I'm not abandoning the debate.

You have repeatedly affirmed that you believe pedophilia is consensual, I needn't add anything else.
Okay. So what makes that so? How can you prove that? Are you capable of buttressing your argument with any utterance other
than nuh uh or false allegations designed to denigrate me because you can't defend your own arguments very well?

How does the nature of an act, even if it is heinous, change whether or not the act was consented to?

Your "smart" buddy Abandon Debate already ran and hid from the question...you will too.
You are using consent generally, as in if I agree to one thing and you agree to it, too, we both consented, regardless of our age
So you're still demanding a response to your belief that pedophilia is consensual?

By pointing out that it requires no addendum, I'm not abandoning the debate.

You have repeatedly affirmed that you believe pedophilia is consensual, I needn't add anything else.
You are talking about consent in criminal law, where both parties are legally required to be above 18 years old to consent

Hopefully that helps and this pointless dialogue can end and maybe something more meaningful can arise because I actually think this is a good discussion to have
You are using consent generally, as in if I agree to one thing and you agree to it, too, we both consented, regardless of our age

You are talking about consent in criminal law, where both parties are legally required to be above 18 years old to consent

Hopefully that helps and this pointless dialogue can end and maybe something more meaningful can arise because I actually think this is a good discussion to have

I appreciate your view point, it has gotten a little silly. I am using consent in the actual sense, wherein the individuals themselves are required to actually consent, not have their "consent" given by a third party, statute etc.

The beginning of this saga started a few months back with me responding to Uncle Buck in an illustration that was both to fuck with him (defensively of course, as he began fucking with me long before) and try to draw him into a conversation / debate about what actual consent means.

The rest is as you pointed out, somewhat distracting, meaningless and silly. My apologies.

I'm always up for good discussion. Thanks for bringing that up too. I should probably focus on that.
Okay. So what makes that so? How can you prove that? Are you capable of buttressing your argument with any utterance other
than nuh uh or false allegations designed to denigrate me because you can't defend your own arguments very well?

How does the nature of an act, even if it is heinous, change whether or not the act was consented to?

Your "smart" buddy Abandon Debate already ran and hid from the question...you will too.

children cannot consent to sex, spaMBLA.