Hillary officially launches 2016 Campaign for President


Well-Known Member
She served her Master well. Feels she`ll be rewarded...

Great video, a gimme girl looking for work, an Asian, again, looking for work cuz Obama got unemployment way down,.. two Mexicans looking for green cards and a gay couple looking for a wedding cake.

Off to a classic Clinton start...


Well-Known Member
She served her Master well. Feels she`ll be rewarded...

Great video, a gimme girl looking for work, an Asian, again, looking for work cuz Obama got unemployment way down,.. two Mexicans looking for green cards and a gay couple looking for a wedding cake.

Off to a classic Clinton start...
the clinton message is that of inclusion and acceptance unlike the gop message of racists, bigots, hypocrites and bible beaters.


Well-Known Member
n'awwwwwwwww mommy issues?
WTF? Only if your mother is pregnant again do I have mommy issues.
Did I knock her up?

Or are you just projecting? I dont care she is a woman. I care she is one crazed, power-mad, politician. But if you want to make it about a woman, I guess you must have a problem with it.


Well-Known Member
WTF? Only if your mother is pregnant again do I have mommy issues.
Did I knock her up?

Or are you just projecting? I dont care she is a woman. I care she is one crazed, power-mad, politician. But if you want to make it about a woman, I guess you must have a problem with it.
you should stick (like desert doo-doo) with this weeks gop talking point of 'unelectable'.

so predictible..so very, very predictable..


Well-Known Member
the clinton message is that of inclusion and acceptance unlike the gop message of racists, bigots, hypocrites and bible beaters.
Is someone in need of a message ? Who wants a proven liar and totally non transparent records keeper that blames her staff for her crimes and lies ? Now that don`t reflect the vote for or against but lying and hiding and breaking Federal rules does. You think Bill cheated on a chick that gives good head ?

We need a hero not as zero, and she`s gotta be strong and she`s gotta be fast and she`s gotta be fresh from the fight....


Well-Known Member
Is someone in need of a message ? Who wants a proven liar and totally non transparent records keeper that blames her staff for her crimes and lies ? Now that don`t reflect the vote for or against but lying and hiding and breaking Federal rules does. You think Bill cheated on a chick that gives good head ?

We need a hero not as zero, and she`s gotta be strong and she`s gotta be fast and she`s gotta be fresh from the fight....
didn't they say the same thing about eleanor roosevelt (our first women president)?

additionally, i'm shocked at your lack of 'tolerance' for the LGBT community..


Well-Known Member
didn't they say the same thing about eleanor roosevelt (our first women president)?

additionally, i'm shocked at your lack of 'tolerance' for the LGBT community..

It`s a behavior, not a way of life and I treat it as such. Bad behavior is bad behavior...

The Government play on it is to get votes,...that`s it. So they create special Rights and privileges for this behavior in hopes of keeping a culture I would like to see vanish,...alive to vote.

It staves me to admit that in my country you can marry a tree, or a dog or a pop-tart,....just so you can enjoy benefits that were meant for families in the bloodline.

Yup that`s right, Gay shit is all so they can share the same benefits and save or acquire money.

Don`t get me going on Gays, Everything I say will be short and to the point. Not one lie in it, yet the Gay will get angry and start name calling, and even try to get me banned,...but the truth hurts, so they get their band aids...

I personally have and reserve the right to leave them hurting and humiliated and tell them they are nothing like me at all. Sexual preference wont get you a joint tax return or joint medical coverage,...so let them marry, get your votes and tell guys like me to shut up,....I love having my hand forced because of bedroom conduct. Man must never forget the relevance or importance when governing life that man fucking man in the ass or girl sucking girl with toys,...has an influence.

No fucking way,....no fucking way....


Well-Known Member
still waiting..
Paul ,if he is true to his libratairian roots must be 4 full legal. My bet is he will hedge. He flled Sched. 1 to sched.2 on his bill because this is what he could get some support 4. Others are not pressured enough but to stick to party line.later in cycle some may make concessions.U can bet this will be an issue in 16, and lame duck O' Bama will act to unwind the war. Hopfully rescheduling.


Well-Known Member
It`s a behavior, not a way of life and I treat it as such. Bad behavior is bad behavior...

The Government play on it is to get votes,...that`s it. So they create special Rights and privileges for this behavior in hopes of keeping a culture I would like to see vanish,...alive to vote.

It staves me to admit that in my country you can marry a tree, or a dog or a pop-tart,....just so you can enjoy benefits that were meant for families in the bloodline.

Yup that`s right, Gay shit is all so they can share the same benefits and save or acquire money.

Don`t get me going on Gays, Everything I say will be short and to the point. Not one lie in it, yet the Gay will get angry and start name calling, and even try to get me banned,...but the truth hurts, so they get their band aids...

I personally have and reserve the right to leave them hurting and humiliated and tell them they are nothing like me at all. Sexual preference wont get you a joint tax return or joint medical coverage,...so let them marry, get your votes and tell guys like me to shut up,....I love having my hand forced because of bedroom conduct. Man must never forget the relevance or importance when governing life that man fucking man in the ass or girl sucking girl with toys,...has an influence.

No fucking way,....no fucking way....
it's the same as being born with blue eyes over brown..hetero over LGBT? it's not a lifestyle 'choice' or bad behavior.

you are born this way.

LGBT has been since the dawn of time and not something just invented this century to be PC.

personally, i don't get how people, don't get it..i get it..everyone under 40 get's it..


Well-Known Member
Paul ,if he is true to his libratairian roots must be 4 full legal. My bet is he will hedge. He flled Sched. 1 to sched.2 on his bill because this is what he could get some support 4. Others are not pressured enough but to stick to party line.later in cycle some may make concessions.U can bet this will be an issue in 16, and lame duck O' Bama will act to unwind the war. Hopfully rescheduling.

citation, please?

and guess what?

you're not going to find it..because he never said it.

but i know what he said..it had to do with release of non-violent from jail and he then wanted to make clear he is not endorsing legalization.

president obama on the other hand has called the DEA off weed..they will receive no funding for mmj stings etc.

president obama is in the process of releasing non-violent from jail.

and then of course, there's this:

Congress Passes Historic Medical Marijuana Protections In Spending Bill


this happened last christmas..weeds legal..where have you been?


Well-Known Member
it's the same as being born with blue eyes over brown..hetero over LGBT? it's not a lifestyle 'choice' or bad behavior.

you are born this way.

LGBT has been since the dawn of time and not something just invented this century to be PC.

personally, i don't get how people, don't get it..i get it..everyone under 40 get's it..

No it`s not the same.

No, you are not born that way.

Murder has been around since the dawn of time but that don`t make it OK.

That`s because there`s nothing to get.

In life you can distinguish between those that lead a life and those that follow a leader. "It`s always been that way" and "born into it" have always exposed one...


Well-Known Member
Every time in Boston, she stays in the Lesbian capital of the world on Gay street in a gay house with gay friends having a gay ole time......Bill clearly let it out that she don`t give enough head. One day I`ll wake up with Yoda but it happened to Bill too fast.


Well-Known Member
Every time in Boston, she stays in the Lesbian capital of the world on Gay street in a gay house with gay friends having a gay ole time.....
Wow. Like, you just make shit up off the top of your tiny head don't you? I mean, whatever comes to mind, you just blurt it out huh?


Well-Known Member
I was just asking Buck if you would mind if I shoved my genocidal bigot up your ass, but didn`t. I found a place for it.
Nope, you weren't

Every time in Boston, she stays in the Lesbian capital of the world on Gay street in a gay house with gay friends having a gay ole time.....
What you were doing is making shit up.

The question is, why? And the only thing I can think of is that you're misogynist ways have got the best of you. And you are simply making shit up about women you know nothing about, referring to her as a lesbian. You clearly are a misogynist and a bigot, and what you stated clearly showcases that.


Well-Known Member
Dude, she stays in Cambridge,...every time. Up near the bridge off Somerville ave.

Do you think Bill got head because Hillary had it covered ?