I pretty much only feel this way about pirating movies.

All the other cheating I think is bad.

I just don't like lying, in general. Makes me feel like a dick.

Not that I don't lie CONSTANTLY. I just don't like it.
Lol your too cute.
Cheaters do suck. Im bluntly honest, I dont care if the person likes what I gotta say. I speak my mind without a filter and I dont give a shit if they like it or not.
Birth Control lolol jk

Looks like a piece of punched out paper/plastic that stuck to your wrist by accident?

I was at a Bachelorette party, and we played the 80's classic board game - GIRL TALK.

That was a "zit sticker".

Sooooooo mortifying!

haha. The moustaches I brought, bought 2 6-packs at a gas station in Minnesota. They really made the weekend.

I don't see any zit stickers. Pretty though - I want beach!
Two zits under my eye, but that was last summer. Its still pretty cold now and definitely cant wait for the beach weather and fishing, and bonfires and cookouts. Actually might hit 70 degrees today Im pumped
Scary movies are so predictable and dumb.

Best "scary movie" was Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Hells Rejects, and House of 1000 corpses,,,, but i think those wpuld be categorized as gore fest.
My dad ran a drive-in called The Starlight back in the late 60's early 70's. There were 2 low budget horror movies that ran there that I still remember Blood Feast and 2,000 maniacs...... Aahh the good ole days !
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I've seen that - I think?

I know that actress!

Thanks for the GIF.

It saddens me that scary movies, now at least, are so wildly inconsistent. It could be good - or it could be complete shit.

The Happening - Like it.

Devil (or The Devil) - total fucking garbage

I think they were both M. Night. Shamaladingdong. Either way, a whole movie trapped in an elevator (devil) is not my idea of a good time. I think I'm probably extra hate-y about it because I saw it in the theatre.
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I've seen that - I think?

I know that actress!

Thanks for the GIF.

It saddens me that scary movies, now at least, are so wildly inconsistent. It could be good - or it could be complete shit.

The Happening - Like it.

Devil (or The Devil) - total fucking garbage

I think thought were both M. Night. Shamaladingdong. Either way, a whole movie trapped in an elevator (devil) is not my idea of a good time. I think I'm probably extra hate-y about it because I saw it in the theatre.

I get most of my horror from books now, some of them are actually scary. I love horror movies but nothing has scared me since like 3rd grade.

They're making this into a movie. It kept me up for hours after I read it, just going over how terrible something like that would be to go through. Worse than any hell the devil could come up with.
