Thanks for posting about that
7900/150 = 52.667
Say you had 5 of these 30 watt bulbs:
30 Watt - Full Spectrum High Definition - Compact Fluorescent - 30W/SPRING/64K - As Low as $3.98 ea.
That would still be 150 watts, but these put out 2000 lumens each, so that would be 10,000 lumens for 150w instead of 7900 for 150w.
Thanks for your post though, I'm trying to figure out what the most cost effective setup would be.
don't go getting yourself confused,
having 10 bulbs that put out 2000 lumens doesnt mean you get 20,000 lumens, it means you get 2000 lumens at a foot away with better light penetration covering a larger area.
the 30 watt bulbs may well be the most efficient per watt
light deminishes exponentially
intensity = light output devided by square distance
at 1 foot away those bulbs will put out the stated lumens change that to 2 foot away your going to get 500 lumens. 2000 lumens divided by 2 squared.
so to get the most out of those bulbs you are going to have to have them really close to make sure you get enough lumens to the plant and have more per plant to make sure you get enough light penetration
2000 lumens isnt going to be enough for the plant,
and you will begin to see stretching when the plant is crying out for light.
so yes per watt a single 30w bulb is more efficient than a 100 w bulb, but the 100w bulb is going to be better to grow with as it will give you sufficient lumens to get you to flowering.