Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

You don't say. Should I take this last Mdma Crystal up mybutt then :) can you help me racist lady?

if you could liquify it and use the percolator (gravity) or make into glycerine suppositories..i'm not sure about mdma, i've never done..but if you can get it into your butt without compromising it's chemistry..you will not believe the high you will get.

EDIT: you can get glycerine at whole foods or one of those arts and crafts stores like michaels, hobby lobby etc.
oh! not picky, eh? that makes me feel real wanted..thanks!
I meant ill take a photocopy of ass rather than a titty shot or actual picture. Take as In receive. For the thread.

Same page? Fuck I'm tired. Haha

I totes thought you were demanding an ass photocopy of me.

Only those playing can make requests.
Perhaps you don't understand.. this burger king refuses to wrap his whopper....
Sorry then, no hypothetical glove - no hypothetical love.

EDIT: Unless in this made-up world you had a clean STD test, and also didn't mind being the father of my children if that should happen.
and Fatherhood?

I can have unprotected sex with my boyf, because if baby happens, we're in love - so there's that.

Aren't you afraid of knocking a chick up? Kids are $$$$.
Don't worry... I'll pull out.. and if anything... I know how to do abortion with a coathanger and a industrial blender
Yes.. but I lift people.... Not weight s
Hey you know stuff - I've never changed my privacy settings. Just changed all my options to "members only". Any clue what the hell that means?

Does that mean the robots can't see my shit anymore? I really like that idea. Those fucking pesky robots, freakin me out...


It was actually @sunni that made me think of this today. She'd be the perfect person to ask...
Did i get deleted??? I seem to be missin some titties

Someone has to be taking "minutes" around these parts?

I don't remember the page numbers anymore. And I am NOT searching.

Do we have anyone here with Aspergers? Fuck they have some good memories.
Yup. Shoulda been on pg 77 or 78. Damn i had the nips covered. I smell a hater
We need someone to be paying more attention.

Also, I'd like to know why certain shots get taken down, while others stay.

You think someone's "reporting" them?

I don't know. @MightyMike530 's tatters got taken down. I think sometimes it's possible that they just see skin.

No clue though.