I doubt I'll ever use attitude seeds again. I just ordered a pack of hazeman grape 13 in order to get the 4/20 promos. I put in the roolitup code and tried the visa, it worked for my bro the day before, and it wouldn't work for me so I selected to do it over the phone. Well my cheap ass cricket plan wouldn't allow me to call over seas so I ask if I could send cash and attitude was like sure can. So I took the 15% off for sending in cash from my previous amount, that included the 10% rollitup code, and they emailed me that I didn't send enough money because apparently you cannot use the rollitup code and still get the 15% off for cash.
To me that's is bullshit. If attitude doesn't allow the promo code with the cash discount they should have that clearly posted on the cash payment option. All I know is seedsman allowed me to use a discount code and still get the money off for sending in cash. So for $7.70 attitude is willing to lose a cash paying customer, cheers.
Also they said they amended my order, which I assume they removed the guaranteed shipping, but if they did that then they just got over on me by about $6 because the guarantee gift crap is $14 and the 10% discount code they are reneging on was only 7.70 so they are ripping me off now. Great seed bank.