Hillary officially launches 2016 Campaign for President


Well-Known Member
"I have re-evaluated and changed my mind about gay marriage" Hillary Clinton 2014...She was born in 47 or something and was wrong all her life,...you want her to lead the nation....


Well-Known Member
Mrs. Clinton will be the most electable democrat. She won't be worse than anyone else I can think of who stands any reasonable chance of winning.

I'd prefer Ms. Warren or Bernie Sanders, but I don't think they'd win in the general election.

Anything to push this country in a more liberal direction- any further right and Fascism will look quaint.

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
The thing that sucks most is that there are so many other people in the world that would do the job with more concern for the citizens of the world and the planets health. I can't get excited for any of the picks, my wife even asked me if I was voting and I don't know if I am. Maybe I will write in my nomination for pres. this year.


Well-Known Member
The thing that sucks most is that there are so many other people in the world that would do the job with more concern for the citizens of the world and the planets health. I can't get excited for any of the picks, my wife even asked me if I was voting and I don't know if I am. Maybe I will write in my nomination for pres. this year.
Wouldn't that be a cut in pay King?


Well-Known Member
To be electable, he must first be recognizable. I'll look him up but right now he's got a serious invisibility problem.

I do appreciate the heads up.
remember who the frontrunner was for the 1992 democrats?

yeah, neither do i. no one really knew who bill was either. he'll do just fine if he declares.


Well-Known Member
I can't get excited for any of the picks, my wife even asked me if I was voting and I don't know if I am. Maybe I will write in my nomination for pres. this year.

You don't only vote for president, I would hope.

remember who the frontrunner was for the 1992 democrats?
yeah, neither do i. no one really knew who bill was either. he'll do just fine if he declares.
He'll be useful in debates, at least.


King Arthur

Well-Known Member
You don't only vote for president, I would hope.

He'll be useful in debates, at least.
All the other puppets are part of the good ol boys club too, local elections we have more power but it still ends up going their way. They learned long ago if you throw enough money at the wall it will do whatever you want it to do.


Well-Known Member
All the other puppets are part of the good ol boys club too, local elections we have more power but it still ends up going their way. They learned long ago if you throw enough money at the wall it will do whatever you want it to do.
True, which is why anyone who runs on limiting money in politics- by constitutional amendment if necessary- will have my unequivocal support.