Fridge Grow/Clone Box (part deux)

I selectively defoliated a bunch from down under, including fans and small sucker branches.
Anything medium sized that has a chance to make it into the light was spared.
I then tied some of the taller plants to the sides and back.
This allows more light penetration in the center getting to those medium branches.
They are now overflowing into the door area!

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I gave the soup a "bump" tonite.
I added the full recommended amount for 1 gallon of these three.
I will be adding this as my Wednesday add back gallon every week.
They drink at least a gallon a day.
lol, thats exactly what mine did, feel like we have similar vertical space left too... been keeping the light right on top of em.. looking nice :peace:
I feel a little more emboldened to remove some more of my lower growth after seeing your pics... looks like your buds are slightly more developed than where im at, but i have a feeling they’re really gonna pop out here in the next 24-36 hrs.
I feel a little more emboldened to remove some more of my lower growth after seeing your pics... looks like your buds are slightly more developed than where im at, but i have a feeling they’re really gonna pop out here in the next 24-36 hrs.
Dude, I cleaned out 2 large fistfuls of fan leaves and a few little shoots yesterday, and several days before.
I usually selectively defoliate every 4-5 days, taking any large fans that are in the shade.
Or I take big fans about halfway up, but blocking major light from penetrating to the lesser branches.
If a side (lesser) branch is in the light or close to it, it stays.
If I think it just isn't gonna reach the light or is in a real shady place. it goes bye bye.
It will get cleaner and cleaner under there in the next few days!
Hey fishdeth

Very interesting, detailed and clean grow report you got here! :clap::clap::clap:
You are doing an awesome job with the frequent updates,pictures
and professionalism that you put in here.
It's really a pleasure to read trough a report like this one right here.
Your plants are looking very healthy as well and i love the way you
super cropped them plants this time and even tho
you had a lot longer veg time i think the plants will reward your with a
nice and juicy harvest (:

I've been thinking about building a grow fridge for quite some years now and
yesterday the idea suddenly popped back into my head.

So i sat down and searched for some fridge grow reports and fridge grow pictures to
gather some information and that's how i found your report.
I've been actually a member here before but i somehow couldn't recover the password to
my old account so i had to make a new one and here i am.

I actually didn't have time yet to read all of the pages from your first and second report but i managed
to read trough about 25% or so and now im really looking forward to reading the remaining 75 :)

The reason i want to go for a grow fridge is that im not living in a house anymore and now need a
little more stealth and quite solution than i had before so im thinking that now is the perfect
time to get a little "stealth grow fridge" project going.

I'm not sure yet if i will get a small 60x60x90cm fridge or if going to get a little bit larger fridge with
a little freezer thing on the top or the bottom but most likely going for a 2 story fridge since i can
then use the freezer compartment to fit in the exhausting parts in ...

In the past i have only been using 400-600 watt HPS lamps to grow but since i like to try new stuff
and experiment a little from time to time im thinking it could be a fun experience to try out a
good quality LED light somewhere around the 250 watt range this time.

That's surly also going to help me to reduce the noise level as much as possible since i don't have to run
a cool tube and beside that doesn't really have to worry about any heat problems that i would
most likely had to deal with when i would be going for a 250w hps light...

My little project is still in the planing stage here and if i do build a fridge (which i will to 100%)
i want it to become really good and im looking to only use good quality parts so im not rushing the process.
Im guessing that i will start my build some time within the next couple of month.
The first thing i got to do is obviously to find a perfect size fridge and that's what im going to spend the weekend on.
I also have to do quite a bit of research on what the best quality LED lights are at the moment.

Well, i guess that's enough talk for now,

Thank you very much :!:, for doing this awesome report and sharing your grow with us :D
i obviously subscribed and i will be checking in regularly from now on.

Greetings from Norway!
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Hey fishdeth...
Greetings from Norway!
Thanks Dreamhack!
Glad to have you along for the ride.
As you read through, I have NEARLY perfected the fridge for the Hydro system I am running.
After this grow, I will run water to the shed and install a float valve in the rez for automatic water add-backs.
Then..... She will be damn near perfect !!!
Here is what the climate is like inside the machine.
This is a 24 hr average saved by this device everyday.
Almost the same every day.
Night time temps vary, but when the lites are on, it is fairly constant.20150419_083522_resized_1.jpg
holy jesus bro they going ape shit theyr beasts bro your gonna have sum YUMMY BUDS,it almost blew me off the couch seeing the get that big bro shit id live to think mine will get even half that bro you got one mean green thumb bro