Spring time in Canada

we had mosquitoes here in central Alberta last week no snow 0 to -3 overnight plus 5 to plus 17 daytime I will gladly take it.
We're getting around 15 - 17c. Even more sun than rain. I saw two sure signs of spring on the Island this weekend...the Snowbirds are here for their spring training and I saw two guys hauling peat moss and buckets into the bush.
maybe IMH and the boys ;) :lol:
just back from my kids wedding....whew....what a good time....but super tiring...
glad to see them off at their new life together...
so what did I miss???
We're getting around 15 - 17c. Even more sun than rain. I saw two sure signs of spring on the Island this weekend...the Snowbirds are here for their spring training and I saw two guys hauling peat moss and buckets into the bush.
What do you suppose they need peat moss for in the bush? Hehe
just back from my kids wedding....whew....what a good time....but super tiring...
glad to see them off at their new life together...
so what did I miss???


That must have been awesome!

I had the whole family puking from 7pm till 4 am. :) :lol:
for some it just makes more room for them to start again.....or continue on.....
booze is just sooooooo rough on the system.....at least for me....and conflicts with about 8 other meds....I'm on....
I can no longer fathom.....how drinkers can do that to themselves.
yep when I left friday out lake was still frozen...over completely...
come back from Hamilton.....to the kawartha lakes.... after the weekend and voila
ice is gone.....completely.....