Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

I totally agree with you guys but she's not much for covering up nata so all i got is FFN!!@ebgood i'm totally confused myself 75 pages of cock tease then bam i put it out there and the riu wizards pulled it!!
Ya know... When I get home is still several days away. Sorry. Out here in CO getting meth precursors.

hahahaha - I thought you were talking like, 5pm Eastern Standard Time?

Listen here players. I get that you are most likely only interested in lady body parts. And maybe you don't wanna take a picture of your abs, or keg, or skinny-ass chest, or whatever you're packing.

But, skin is skin. If you want to continue the play - may I suggest, ass, wrist, ankle, thighs, calf,

I REALLY do like me some hands....

Guess all the pics of my wife's titties was frowned upon and was removed!! Dammit i tryed my riu buddies?
You just have to photo shop or get her to cover up the nip.

A little photoshop like eb did would work. Or just crop the pic a smidgen ;)
Oh yeah....what he said ^^^^^^.


Unless it's Man nipple, and then that's ok.

I dunno. Theres a million nipples in this thread. Full cock and shit. I dont see how my pics were bad.
Because they SAW!

Or someone report-buttoned them.

Fuck - I am Soooooooo interested to know how many times I've been report buttoned.

It's stupid and means nothing - but damn. I'd be interested.

Too bad there was nothing you kids had to offer in the skin department. I was totes about to show the zombie thong.

and that, my friends, is how you act like a Cak tease...
Not entirely sure what that is but parts of it look really familiar.

Well, I'm going to be EXTRA skunty now. Since it's just you playing at the moment, I'll PM you something.

Thanks for NOT playing everyone else...


@Unclebaldrick , wanna let the others know what they're missing out on?

Rubbing it in other peoples faces is half the fun of getting special gifts. haha
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This is the last attempt at getting this one picture up...

Fuuuuuuuuuck. Nope. Been trying to load for 10 mins now. The file is actually too big to be shown as a thumbnail on my desktop. This is the old computer though...it's a sad sad day for nude Zombie pictures...



hahaha...You're welcome..
