29°c 40% rh


Well-Known Member
i know about the optimum rh etc etc

but im just getting used to the change in weather temps in uk, and this is what my temps and humid are in veg.

sometimes rh drops to about 35% but more 40-45%

i know the high temps helps with photosynthesis and the rh for respiration etc but im just wondering if this is fine ?


Well-Known Member
29 is fine if you're supplementing co2 and have adequate light.
29c is not "fine", it is too high; 26c-27c is optimum temps, show us your plants ;) how is it fine with adequate light?, does this bring the temps down?! that is a noob/idiotic statement from someone trying to get their post count up :hump:
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Active Member
Don't troll me. US government has two studies as I recall one ran 30 C and 1200ppm co2, another ran 30C and 900ppm co2 (from memory). They found 2000 and 1500ppf ideal, respectively. Do your research.


Well-Known Member
Lets 'suppose' most growers dont'' "supplement co2", then your advice is bad. Have you even asked the OP if they "supplement co2"?


Well-Known Member
29 is about perfect at canopy. Optimum temp for photosynthesis, processes are working perfectly.
With good airflow getting rid of the little saturation zone around the leaves and enough rh to keep the plants from being dry closing stomatas. This keeps high levels of transpiration and gas exchange. increasing flow from the roots, which also cool the plant down with the evaporative cooling. You should have internal pressures so high the plant starts to ooze (guttation) as soon as the lights go out.
We arent just growing a plant. Ideally we are pushing it to its limits. I think it like an engine, you gotta increase air intake if you increase fuel, gotta up fuel if you want more power etc . Optimizing these plants. Lowering lights giving more than the sun, increasing nute ratios n and the others necessary to keep chlorophyll being made, cant have light bleaching. Etc etc

204Kush Master

Well-Known Member
I can say that 29c is way too hot .Although plants indoor will live the nodes tend to stretch
causing lots of smaller fluffy buds = a shit load of trimming for a less than average yield and quality. I have found that 23-25c with tons of cold air exchange makes a tighter, bigger bud . also keep your thermometer at the closest point of contact to your plants as that is temp. the plant feels .So if your room is at 29c how hot are your plants really feeling.Cold Air exchange and plenty of room fans Rh 30-50 works. Drop dark temps
I start at about 20c and progress to about 17/18c even lower 15/16 if its a purple strain
PK has been my fav. last 3-4 years, don't be afraid to lower temps 22c lights on 15c lights off for the last few weeks flower if you want that purple .Oh yea I live in northern Canada so I get free cold air 11 months of the year lol
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204Kush Master

Well-Known Member
Control your temps lots of cold air exchange don't overwater or overfeed and you get this lol


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Active Member
29 is only OK if you have adequate light and co2, qwiz may have co2 from a backdrafting water heater if he doesn't supplement. The guy having issues probably doesn't have enough.

Providing more light than the sun is counter productive. The plants can utilize sunlight to the fullest at 1200ppm co2. Sunlight is 2000ppf/m^2/s^-1 if I recall. This info is from government sources, there's another newer study but they used lower co2.

personal lux

Well-Known Member
29 is only OK if you have adequate light and co2, qwiz may have co2 from a backdrafting water heater if he doesn't supplement. The guy having issues probably doesn't have enough.

Providing more light than the sun is counter productive. The plants can utilize sunlight to the fullest at 1200ppm co2. Sunlight is 2000ppf/m^2/s^-1 if I recall. This info is from government sources, there's another newer study but they used lower co2.
29c or roughly 85 degree is about max production rate with 1200ppms of co2 for sure.


Well-Known Member
iv got my rh upto 60 % day and 50% night

and my temps are 29°c day and 25°c night

iv only one plant and the intake is straight from my window so plenty of co2 Imo for one plant .

I'll get pics :)


Well-Known Member
28-29C is, for decades, ideal, and what I aim for. The higher the temp of the air, the higher the air's water potential. So warmer air can hold more water. The RH is a bit misleading. For example, at 35C there needs to be nearly twice as much water in the air to reach 50% humidity as at 25C.

So your RH is low because your temp is at the high end. 40-45 is pretty damn nice at 29c and sure beats dealing with too high humidity.