Well-Known Member
It sucks you have to go thru stuff like that but i guess you kinda sign on for that when you become a cop , or marry one who shares horrible incidents with his family .
I didnt sign on for anything with no cops & neither did my wife .
My wife still has horrible nightmares of my beatdown when my 65 yr old mother pissed herself in the back of our car , terrified that the Detroit Big 4 cop unit who just finished dragging me out of the car & boot stomping me so hard they broke my collar bone & crushed my ribs were gonna beat on them next , i spent the next few days pissing blood in Detroit Mercy & months out of work healing , just another routine resisting arrest beat down for the 4 animals in blue , extremely painfull for me & traumatic for my wife & mother .
That was my wifes 1st experience with USA police after immigrating from Beirut where cops come to your house & kill you , my wifes reaction was much worse than my mother pissing herself , she had a terror induced nervous breakdown as well as loosing control of her bodily functions , thats real terror she suffered over a traffic stop , fear for our lives terror over a traffic stop .
My wifes most recent & ongoing nightmare about out of control police is when 2 Bloomfield Hills cops were seconds away from murdering her helper dog ( Hoss ) & our 2 watch dogs because the con ed employee couldnt read the electric meter in our fenced & gated property , we pulled in right as 1 cop was drawing a bead on a dog with a 12 guage & i laid on the horn to stop them from murdering the registered licensed animals , i was " Detained " over my outrage at the police & their willingness to slaughter 3 innocent & extremely expensive much loved animals so some asshat could read my electric meter & they could get their rocks off .
The helper dog warns us in advance that she is going to have a seizure & severe tremors so i can medicate her to stop the seizure from happening, or lesson its severity , without that animal my wife would require 24 hour a day nursing at our home & take away what little freedom to leave the home she has left , plus the dog is her best friend & constant companion cause nobody wants to hang out with the sick girl ! Now she has me & her dog , thats it & those rotten fucks would take that from her just so they could have fun killing something , she hugs that dog tight & cries her eyes out anytime an ASPCA commercial comes on tv & tells it she's sorry for not being there to protect it , that's true ass shit that happens in my household .
Thats only 2 of the dozens of horrible interactions me & my family have had with murderous & deadly out of control cops , im a 62 yr old heavily tattooed biker with a bald head & long zz top type beard , to white cops im a nigger , or nigger lover because of my mixed family , to black cops im a white trash inbred peice of shit , in either case every confrontation i have with police is at gun point & has been such for over 30 yrs now .
We've had flash bang grenades thrown in our home at 4am & been surrounded by cops dressed like ninjas with assault weapons , had nude pics of my wife circulated amongst the cops on scene , I could fill pages with our experiences with cops , all bad .
Im sorry your husband decided to share horrible storys of sexually mutilated infants with you , not something I would enjoy either , we have never been given a choice to interact with police & they've never shown interest in helping my family ,ever .
I like you & i like reading your thoughts & ideals but you'll have to excuse my deep seated hatred of police , they've earned my hatred & my wifes terror of them .
Watch this destroyer of families stone cold face while the 7 year old girl he murdered family mourns , this is how many of us end up.
WARNING ,extremely horrible sorrow filled video that made me & my wife weep , do not watch if your emotions can't take it .
That is one of the most poignant and moving posts that I have yet read here on RIU.
Well done, Good Sir!
What is most interesting to me is that although we are similar in age, my experience with Johnny Law is almost the polar opposite of yours.
I have never been arrested.
The only time I ever had a police gun in my face was for a good reason;
I lived in a condo in which one of the residents shot his wife in the chest with a .357, she survived to crawl out to the lobby of the building. Upon seeing her I ran up to my fifth floor condo to call 911 (1980's b4 cellphones), when I ran back downstairs there was a cop with a gun pointing at my face...he thought that I could have been the perp at the time. This was understandable, he did not shoot me! And amazingly the poor woman survived her injury. Her husband subsequently shot himself in the head...fatal!
I had a ponytail for most of the 1970's...my interaction with cops never amounted to anything.
I have been growing weed since about 1970...never a run in with the local Gestapo.
However, my views regarding the scumbag, jackbooted thugs we refer to as the Police are strikingly similar to yours. Go figure!