Starting to see Signs of Nute Burn. NEED HELP!!

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member

I am a new grower growing my first plant and Ive had success more or less the whole way but I have run into my first problem. I transplanted my plant into a bigger pot about five days ago and completely overwatered it. I have let it dry out for about the time of transplanting until now and I am noticing signs of nutrient burn. Patches of the lower leafs have brown spots with some drooping as well. I have not fed it nutrients at all for the entire duration of its life. I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest, watering with distilled water, and I believe that the nutes from the new soil I added when transplanting is causing the nute burn. Also has some sign of what looks like a black almost dirt like patch on two leafs which I found strange. Almost looks like phosphorus burn but for some reason I have a tough time believing it. Please somebody help me because I know when you catch this early on its not a big deal and easy to recover from. Any help is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!!



Well-Known Member
When you transplant into a bigger pot you are adding new dirt that already has nutrients in it. My advice is to hold off on the feedings for a week or two and let the pot dry completely before you water again. If it's a small plant in a large pot then it can take a while to dry out enough to want more water. I'm talking about over a week in a lot of cases. Basically, leave em alone and the plant will be fine. Also, only use water after transplant when in soil from now on.

If the burn effects are not getting significantly worse then I wouldn't bother with anything crazy like flushing. Post a pic so we can see how bad it is.

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
When you transplant into a bigger pot you are adding new dirt that already has nutrients in it. My advice is to hold off on the feedings for a week or two and let the pot dry completely before you water again. If it's a small plant in a large pot then it can take a while to dry out enough to want more water. I'm talking about over a week in a lot of cases. Basically, leave em alone and the plant will be fine. Also, only use water after transplant when in soil from now on.

If the burn effects are not getting significantly worse then I wouldn't bother with anything crazy like flushing. Post a pic so we can see how bad it is.
Here are some pics.. Remember.. no nutes were ever added whatsoever and I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest watering with plain distilled water. What kind of nute burn are you thinking it is based off these pics?


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Active Member
hmmm, I would let it dry out n not feed for a few weeks and wait until some of the nutes from the soil have been absorbed. Let it recover from the transplant before you decide. drooping could be shock from a transplant, it'll be fine.


Are you adjusting your ph to around 6.1. It is phosphorus deficiencies. Looks to be partially difficient and partially locked out. I would flush with 1/4 strength nutes. At least 1/2 gallon of water. Try to test the ph of water run off.

Ps. I strongly do not believe this is a result of over fertilization. You may need to add some lime if the soil run off shows the ph to be low. Also after adding the lime you will need to use cal mag the first watering as the lime takes a bit to start breaking down.

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
Are you adjusting your ph to around 6.1. It is phosphorus deficiencies. Looks to be partially difficient and partially locked out. I would flush with 1/4 strength nutes. At least 1/2 gallon of water. Try to test the ph of water run off.

Ps. I strongly do not believe this is a result of over fertilization. You may need to add some lime if the soil run off shows the ph to be low. Also after adding the lime you will need to use cal mag the first watering as the lime takes a bit to start breaking down.

I havent added any nutes at all so I have a hard time believing that. I just transplanted to a new pot and added new soil that is already loaded with nutes so I feel like thats the main issue and I will not be using nutes to flush her out. In my opinion more nutes would make the case worse in this occasion. I dont know how its locking out although i do believe that there is a phosphorus problem here to some degree and I dont really know how to fix that