I got pulled over a few days ago...I was waiting to turn right at a light, and the cop passed me by going the direction in which I was turning...well I turn the corner, and see the cop flip a bitch, then stop perpendicular to oncoming traffic waiting for me to drive by...I just pulled over right away...
As he was walking up to my door, he saw my face in the rear view mirror, pointed, and smiled...as I rolled my window down he said
"Hey, didn't I get you a few weeks back? With the warrant??" Smiling the whole time...
I simply replied with "naw, I didn't have the warrant, I was the guy whose license plate is ONE DIGIT OFF THAT STOLEN CHEVY you're looking for"
He said "haha, that's right...weed smells strong! Has a good day buddy, SORRY TO BOTHER YOU"
Seriously, coolest fucking cop ever...doesn't give a shit about my expired registration, or even wanna see my doctors rec (didn't even ask if I HAD one)...He's looking for real criminals, stolen cars and break ins and shit.
Coolest cop I met to this date...even told me how to get out of a 700 dollar ticket I have coming up.....