Droopy leaves...help please first timer here


Well-Known Member
So now u can't win an argument and u become offensive. Not only u are a troll you more likely have anger management issues. And NO im not a doctor to tell you than, but you should visit one to confirm if i'm right. :)

And yes you don't personally kill plants. But ur advises do!
If i was to listen to you my hydro plant to be dead by now.
Oh wait, i forgot! All you told me was "let it die".

As far for ur grow you are growing in soil which has nothing to do with hydro.
Because as u said earlier pH factors are not the biggest issue IN SOIL. The way u position your plants its very bad u leaving them no area to spread. Therefore i believe u don't top them much. My opinion, why having 20 plants when u can make same results with 5. The picture above is 6 plants properly topped. In EBB & FLOW DWC.


Well-Known Member
On my 1st hydro grow yes <3 As experimental. But i've been growing my own smoke for long while in soil. I'm not stupid to carry 50 plants on my back i carry 2 plants i veg them for a while make them bushy before i start flower. I grow on 600w led lights PER plant yes I use same lights for veg and flower i'm considering on buying more bluish spectrum for veg but they do the job for now. My plants are growing very healthy nice with wide leaves short but very bushy with many buds. I usually bring out 12-15 oz per plants that that keeps me going for a long while before i decide to do the next grow. Mister "Experience" using outdated equipment. :)


Well-Known Member
On my 1st hydro grow yes <3 As experimental. But i've been growing my own smoke for long while in soil. I'm not stupid to carry 50 plants on my back i carry 2 plants i veg them for a while make them bushy before i start flower. I grow on 600w led lights PER plant yes I use same lights for veg and flower i'm considering on buying more bluish spectrum for veg but they do the job for now. My plants are growing very healthy nice with wide leaves short but very bushy with many buds. I usually bring out 12-15 oz per plants that that keeps me going for a long while before i decide to do the next grow. Mister "Experience" using outdated equipment. :)
Hmm. 12-15 oz plants? X 2? So thats almost two pounds a harvest huh? With 600 watts of led? So your averaging 1.5 grams per watt and pulling two pounds out of your tent?

Ok so not only are you a noob spreading bullshit but your also a liar. Congradulations, you failed riu. Fuckin punks these days make me lol


Well-Known Member
You two should settle this like adults. I suggest you both send me a QP of your finest and I'll report back on who's the shit. bongsmilie
I just stumbled apon 200 grams the other day from a couple months back. Found it in a cooler id kicked to the side while trimming lol, a couple of bovidas later and bammo! Shes smellin great and the moistures back. I didnt even notice it was lost lol.


Well-Known Member
I just stumbled apon 200 grams the other day from a couple months back. Found it in a cooler id kicked to the side while trimming lol, a couple of bovidas later and bammo! Shes smellin great and the moistures back. I didnt even notice it was lost lol.
200 grams ?? why not half a pound? Or about half a pound? And did you weigh it after you found it? And once the smell goes from over drying it can't come back.


Well-Known Member
200 grams ?? why not half a pound? Or about half a pound? And did you weigh it after you found it? And once the smell goes from over drying it can't come back.
Of course i weighed it lol, it was 186 but i figure the bovitas will add a little weight. Three quartes of a gallon bag full. It was my lucky day i guess. Ive seen bovidas bring smell back, well more smell than it started with anyway.


Well-Known Member
lol That's 3 months old product which has been compressed in my jar. I'm not trying to make processional photos of my buds. Let me see yours!


Well-Known Member
lol That's 3 months old product which has been compressed in my jar. I'm not trying to make processional photos of my buds. Let me see yours!
Nice looks ok 2 me nice tight nuggets bet it tastes better then it looks
Kinda like my cooking but u should not compress bud ina jar to cure


Well-Known Member
Hmm. 12-15 oz plants? X 2? So thats almost two pounds a harvest huh? With 600 watts of led? So your averaging 1.5 grams per watt and pulling two pounds out of your tent?

Ok so not only are you a noob spreading bullshit but your also a liar. Congradulations, you failed riu. Fuckin punks these days make me lol
Alien man after readin that I 100% agree he's full shit unless he taking wet weight