Club 600

I was searching for a better teaspoon for people who shake, cause I have a natural shake to my hands, shallow spoons and powders and me dont jive lol. I find it really hard to read the jacks spoon - i knew I was getting old LOL.
Fuck man I hope I make it to your age. All the jobs I really want require a PHD in organic chemistry. That being said I can't wait for the day people call me doctor
Fuck man I hope I make it to your age. All the jobs I really want require a PHD in organic chemistry. That being said I can't wait for the day people call me doctor
Your sweet LOL, i'm 42 O shit okay 43 in a little over a month, but I have put my body through a lot of hard labor and horrible parenting punishments as a child and walla. I'm good with it, I'm just slower to get where everyone is running too LOL.
I would love to be one of the First to call you Doctor Bro!
Attention 600 club members that are driving to the Cannabis Cup - Take a few minutes and take a look at all your belts, hoses, clamps, tires, just give it all a good once over. Sometimes this stuff gets overlooked. I Took the 1 ton out the other day and had a hose clamp blow out on me, it was only on for like 6 months damn new steel, blew coolant all the way home till I saw a trail behind me LOL. I was close to home though - Please take the extra few minutes guys and girls!

rental car :wink: