Well-Known Member
I get most of my horror from books now, some of them are actually scary. I love horror movies but nothing has scared me since like 3rd grade.
They're making this into a movie. It kept me up for hours after I read it, just going over how terrible something like that would be to go through. Worse than any hell the devil could come up with.
EDIT: I didn't realize that was a book on tape! Fuck yeah! I've listened to a couple Stevie books on tape during long long drives.
I fucking LOVE Stephen King books. Reading them too - haha.
I love him. Some are better than others, for sure. But he's just great.
Ever read "Under the Dome"?
The tv show is shit comparatively. The book is awesome.
Hmmmm....actually scary movie. I wrote about it here somewhere - but ever seen "The Seasoning House"?
Maybe I was just so angsty in it because I have a vagina and I think rape is kinda the worst thing in the world. But fuuuuuuuck. I SCREAMED at the tv screen.