Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Jack O'Neill

Well-Known Member
Well now wherever that came from, what a douche man. I was talking about Pie being extremely helpful. In case you haven't noticed this whole forum is dead, all of RIU has left, none of the regulars hang out here any longer. This thread stays at the top of the boards with just a few people posting. The rest are dead, as in dead dead, few pages then fizzle out. So whatever bro. To the rest of us it is just something to pass some time on our phones between other things. Have fun popping that vein for no reason. Nah bro, it is people like you with this attitude flooding these board that made it go dead. So if this is how you roll, fuck off and the adults will carry on enjoying talking cannabis. Pretty rich of you calling out others for being a bunch of kids but you cannot control your temper.
sorry if you thought if it was meant for you. but it wasnt, you just happen to post the testers are looking good. again sorry.. everybody keeps thinkin am a ggg fanboy...
i respect you ham no disrespect...
yes your right. rui is very dead... another reason why im leaving...
its not about having thick skin... i rip on co-workers all the time... this is just bitchin on another level..
ill be at the ggg forum when its back running..

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
The thing is just to accept how it works on this forum, grow a slightly thicker skin, make liberal use of the ignore button if you feel irritated, and just take what you want from it. This is RIU, about a million and one people refuse to even mention the place by name. It gets rough in here at the best of times. I used to get all worked up and left here for other forums, but you know, most of them are REALLY stuck up, low on info, calm and nice, sure. But ultimately boring. Might be some screwed up shit here and there but overall I challenge any person to find a more fun cannabis forum. Disagreements there are but usually people get over them and actually get to know each other. That is not happening on IG.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
sorry if you thought if it was meant for you. but it wasnt, you just happen to post the testers are looking good. again sorry.. everybody keeps thinkin am a ggg fanboy...
i respect you ham no disrespect...
yes your right. rui is very dead... another reason why im leaving...
its not about having thick skin... i rip on co-workers all the time... this is just bitchin on another level..
ill be at the ggg forum when its back running..
My deepest apologies there brother. It will suck to see you go.

Jack O'Neill

Well-Known Member
yes we are brothers :)
anybody that has the same gear as me, i consider them my brothers!
peace, now if i can figure out how to delete this account... rrrrhhhhhh

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
The downfall to the ignore button is how much stuff falls out of context, damn. But trust me fellas, it does change the whole experience. I think moderators here have kinda given up at risk of blowing an artery, so we can tweak the experience ourselves. I will keep an eye out for you on the wide webz

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I think we all just need to whip out the report button on the obvious trolls and ignore the people who just keep repeating the same tired lines over and over.

Your voice has been heard. To keep repeating it is just bitching plain and simple. If you don't like gage and have nothing new to add, move on.


Well-Known Member
The thing is just to accept how it works on this forum, grow a slightly thicker skin, make liberal use of the ignore button if you feel irritated, and just take what you want from it. This is RIU, about a million and one people refuse to even mention the place by name. It gets rough in here at the best of times. I used to get all worked up and left here for other forums, but you know, most of them are REALLY stuck up, low on info, calm and nice, sure. But ultimately boring. Might be some screwed up shit here and there but overall I challenge any person to find a more fun cannabis forum. Disagreements there are but usually people get over them and actually get to know each other. That is not happening on IG.

MH and I have gone at it quite a few times. Whatever. It's a friggin weed forum that shouldn't be taken so seriously. There are soooo many other more important things in life to get bent over. Shit, I'd smoke all of you cats out if you ever made it to Michigan..... even the ones that I bicker with on here. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think the girl on the left looks like she will need a bit of trimming. We shall see after next watering saturday or sunday. 3 days I believe is the amount of time it takes them to build enough flowering hormones to start the stretch.
I always shave the legs on all my plants. You get less of the larf. I always do it right before flowering and again after the stretch. Looking good, mrs pie.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I always shave the legs on all my plants. You get less of the larf. I always do it right before flowering and again after he stretch. Looking good, mrs pie.
I am letting them go au naturale as much as possible this time.

Girl on the right most likely will not produce much larf. She is already spaced to let light to her lowers.

Left girl is more dense and will need some light pruning.

Going for maximum yield this run. Gotta make my bud last till then.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It's hard to see in pictures.

#1 has a tighter node structure. About 2.5 feet tall.

All those little branches could be a problem. Or they could not. After the stretch starts I will have a better Idea of what this girl is gonna do.

#2 is looking like she is going to spread open nicely. She is 3 feet tall now.

It is nice to watch them act without additional pruning. Makes me reconsider what I have been doing in the past. I may let all my girls in the future get a little hair on their legs. Extra leaf is extra energy.

As long as it doesn't impede airflow of course.
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