Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Well-Known Member
OMG, just discovered the FUNNIEST THING with my bestie who is a mom.

Wait for it....


hahah....It's like a little bb Jersy Shore. I got one picture complete with DEEP V, duck face, and bb cleave.


I don't know how I feel about posting someone else's bb on here. But if you have a kid at your disposal, give it a try! Seriously one of the funniest things I have ever seen!

BBDB (bb d-bag)

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
What are the rules on posting dildos? Like if a guy posted a picture of one peaking out of his pants would that be considered nudity?

How close would it need to be inspected to determine authentic dick or silicone? Would you inspect at all or just delete without inspection.

How about we just post our wifes dildos theres bound to be some weird and wonderful shapes out there ...cleaned first of course


Well-Known Member
Why delete them? This is an adult website.. No kids allowed.
FUCK your face!

You mean we are ALLOWED to post nudity???


Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude there. I just have always been told no nudes is the hard rule here.

I thought it had to do with sensitive folks getting butt hurt and then crying about it to a mod, and then things got deleted.

May I suggest a new policy rather than the "report button"? People can fill out one of these "Hurt Feelings Reports":

photo 2.JPG
There will be a lot less reporting, I think!



Well-Known Member
FUCK your face!

You mean we are ALLOWED to post nudity???


Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude there. I just have always been told no nudes is the hard rule here.

I thought it had to do with sensitive folks getting butt hurt and then crying about it to a mod, and then things got deleted.

May I suggest a new policy rather than the "report button"? People can fill out one of these "Hurt Feelings Reports":

View attachment 3397898
There will be a lot less reporting, I think!

Fuckin priceless!

I need to get those for my customers when their cars fail emissions testing... The second part that is..
I am gonna copy that....
I have woman like hormones..... WAHAHAHAHAHA!!

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
lol If it where up to me It would be A o.k for the nudy pics. Penises and all. Like I said this isn't a family website...I guess I'll have to look at my MOD manual and see what it says. Sunni/greatwhite are obviously not down with the naked pics.


Well-Known Member
lol If it where up to me It would be A o.k for the nudy pics. Penises and all. Like I said this isn't a family website...I guess I'll have to look at my MOD manual and see what it says. Sunni/greatwhite are obviously not down with the naked pics.
Maybe it's this weird situation where everyone thinks "it's the rules" and really there ARE no rules?

I don't give lots of fucks about it. It would be funnier to be able to post anything. But, meh. Makes me feel like I'm a school child.

A dirty dirty school child.

hahahaha. see what I did there?
