Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS

Now GEAR DOWN and get on all fours, and bite down on something HARD cause momma's starting to like it rough! haha.

Hello? Where my pervs at?

tumblr_m9bzz2LYme1ro7kx2o1_500.gif perverted-perverts-29924070-260-189.gif 1233009630_38e882e.gif tumblr_lg21dfH1HV1qctxyyo1_400.gif Picard_Is_A_Pervert.gif pervert-guy-gif-o.gif

Picard, what a PERVERT!
lol If it where up to me It would be A o.k for the nudy pics. Penises and all. Like I said this isn't a family website...I guess I'll have to look at my MOD manual and see what it says. Sunni/greatwhite are obviously not down with the naked pics.
Im All good with an everything nude goes thread providing it isnt in bad taste and the warning is read and liked by all subscribers.
Damn girl, do you ever sleep?
Just woke up! I seem to be sleeping in naps.

Trying to smoke myself back there, but I think I really need to make more edibles. They seem to be all that works during these times of excess energy.

Im All good with an everything nude goes thread providing it isnt in bad taste and the warning is read and liked by all subscribers.
I am still confused. Where is the RIU Declaration of Independence or Ten Commandments or whatever?

The tit shot ?
Pretty sure its in the last third of my thread..im sure tws and jj would have it saved to their phone for a screensaver lol
Can you PM Me a picture at least? I share A LOT.
Just woke up! I seem to be sleeping in naps.

Trying to smoke myself back there, but I think I really need to make more edibles. They seem to be all that works during these times of excess energy.

I am still confused. Where is the RIU Declaration of Independence or Ten Commandments or whatever?

Can you PM Me a picture at least? I share A LOT.
Oh man ..
Its not on my phone and i cant be fluffed looking ill get another one when i get home
As my wife got stronger over the.years getting her to choke me while having sex kinda ruined the moment cos i kept blacking out
DUDE! hahah

My boyf isn't into that. I had a phase though. I kept going to the gym in a tank top and I'd get weird looks because my neck, chest, and upper arms were COVERED in bruises. I think they thought I was abused.

Haha, I have a photo here, but it's not appropriate. If you send me your wives tatters though - I'll send it your way...
DUDE! hahah

My boyf isn't into that. I had a phase though. I kept going to the gym in a tank top and I'd get weird looks because my neck, cheats, and upper arms were COVERED in bruises. I think they thought I was abused.

Haha, I have a photo here, but it's not appropriate. If you send me your wives tatters though - I'll send it your way...
Ill get back to ya if i can be bothered looking thru ma thread for it