Worst break up on RIU - MORPHEUS


Well-Known Member
Wow! I've had a shower, got dressed and gone out with the dog, bought cat food and fed him and all in 55 mins!

Who ever said women take ages getting ready?! What I look like is a different story though! Lol:)
Pics would be nice!

I'm trying to go back to sleep. Slept for 4 hours, but then I woke up JAZZED. Usually weed cookies help me the most during this sleepless time. Looks like I may be baking this weekend!


Well-Known Member
youve been up for 3 days straight. take a xnax and get some rest.
I really really appreciate your concern for my well being. I'm trying. Took some melatonin and MMJ. Just at the cycle of the crazy train where I only sleep for 3-4 hours at a time. My next nap will come shortly.

I don't Xnax.


Well-Known Member
^^^^This is why you can't have nice things IRON EYES

We are just in here having fun, and you have to try to ruin fun. I know you're trying to get the thread closed down.

Stop being a boner killer.

Seriously, your OWN tits, or get the fuck out!

Everyone else here has shown something...


Well-Known Member
Someone needs to come here and tidy this place up...I don't give too many shits about it but people get butt-hurt.

Wall of Vagj????


That;s pretty neat!


Oooooh, I'm kind of sad my favourite tiddies got taken down. Nicest tatter gif I have ever seen. PM me if you want them, no homo. I like to share.
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