First Grow--2 Weeks into Flower--Questions Pics Attached


Well-Known Member
Hello, I've been looking through this forum for some time now. I've learned quite a bit from searching others posts. I'm finally making a post because I have some questions.

First, I'll tell you about my setup. I am growing 4 clones (strain unknown) in 2 Earthboxes. The soil is Fox Farm's Ocean Forest. I am using Fox Farm's Big Bloom nutes. The clones are under a 400 watt light. I used a Metal Halide 18/6 for the veg period which lasted 4 weeks. I then switched over to a HPS 12/12 for flowering. I am currently in the second week of flowering. The temperature in the grow room is 79 degrees with the light on, and 74 degrees during the dark cycle. The light is approximately 12" above the tops of my plants. Also, I have been using RO water, and the pH of my soil is neutral.

Now to the problems I'm having. As you can probably see in the attached pictures, the plants are slightly yellow. I've been giving the plants a weekly feeding of Fox Farm's Big Bloom (6 tablespoons per gallon, gallon split between all 4 plants). Also, I've been adding a weekly dose of epsom salts to this same gallon (2 teaspoons per gallon, gallon split between all 4 plants). I don't know why the plants are slightly yellow, I think I've been giving proper nutrients. I checked the post on this site about common plant problems, and I thought it might be a sulfur or a magnesium deficiency, which is why I added the epsom salts. I know that some of you will recommend chemical nutrients, but I am not wanting to use anything but organics.

Also, I have had some problems with white flies. I have been using Takedown RTU organic insecticide. It is a blend of pyrethrin and canola oil. I apply it weekly to the tops and undersides of all leaves. The person at the hydroponics store said it should break the life cycle of the white flies. It seems to be slowly working.

Other than that, any comments or advice would be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
yellowing of leaves MIGHT be due to Nitrogen might consider adding some grow nutes to ur BLOOM solution..many people on this site are advocating feeding plants with N thru the whole cycle..


Well-Known Member
Can you recommend a good organic nutrient blend that I can buy? I want something that is good for flowering.


Well-Known Member
I went to the local hydro store, and was unable to find the biobizz. Is there another organic nutrient that anyone can recommend?


Well-Known Member
We use foxfarm peace of mind fert along with our big bloom. the npk on the peace of mind is 5 5 5. It seems to be working great.


Well-Known Member
Butthead, how do you apply the Fox Farm Peace of Mind (All Purpose)? Do you mix it with water or do you sprinkle it on the soil? Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
We sprinkle it right on the soil, so far we've been using it at half strength. But we just put of all over the top of the soil evenly and then give it a good water. They seem to like it!