Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I guess he accomplished the mission eh?
The real @Snake Plisken would not have deliberately closed his friends thread. hopefully he goes back to his 'cool things' thread for some rest and relaxation, so he can be himself again.
Oh, I don't believe it is locked for good. Just until they ban snake man, or delete all the nips and stuff.

They wouldn't close the thread because of one person.

Would they?

EDIT: It's been awhile. Anyone know why a thread would still be closed if it was only one member out of 20 that was intentionally trying to get the thread closed?

@Football @sunni ?
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All kinds of awesome wedding gifts showing up last couple days from people who can't make it.

62 guests paid in full for our Caribbean wedding. 50 days and counting... holy shit

Where in the Caribbean, brah? I lived on St. John in the usvi for a few years
What's happening here? Now 2 threads I started have been locked because of 1 sock puppet account.

The SP account was trying to get the threads locked. How is locking them teaching him a lesson?

What's the point of making threads and trying to have an engaging/ fun interaction with people when all it takes is one fun ruiner to close them?

Please fix this problem @Football.

Love Yessica...
whos burnin?

im on this og at the moment.
Smoking some Cadillac purple at the moment...

Funny getting on this Guitar Hero my wife just looks at me and says
  1. "how are you so good!?"
  2. "You should have played an instrument"
  3. "Maybe it's because you type fast"

LOL I was just like naw "I'm high so I'm stuck" LOL plus I'm only better than everyone at home. I only go on medium level. But I haven't played this in about 5 yrs.
She too cute though

Happy Sundaze
Where in the Caribbean, brah? I lived on St. John in the usvi for a few years

the Dominican republic. we were originally looking at the vi's but we got a deal going through her aunt who is a travel agent.

why did you ever come back? we used to go to the caymans every year where a friends dad had a medical practice. been a few years and cant wait to get back down there. I cant stay out of the water when im there. we'll be there few days before the wedding so its going to be hard not to be burnt, but don't know how im not going to be.

hope I can get some weed while we're there. may have to keister some hash or oil
That's awesome. I got married in Hawaii so a lot of people just sent us money. I think we made around 12g's

cash to offset this wedding would be awesome. I always give cash for wedding presents. of course she wanted all kinds of goofy shit with words on it for around the house, so there is some stuff I don't care for that's on the registry. just having friends and family down there with us is good enough for me
Now that's what I call a hustler!! Not only do you have a wedding in the Caribbean, you somehow manage to get all the guests to pay for it! Bravo! :clap:

indeed. not only that, but they give us money back at the end of the trip for having such a large group. something like 6 grand is what her aunt estimated. although we did pay for the wedding parties trip, and her friend who is doing the pictures.