Natures Green Remedies

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I would keep looking for causes man, the effects of chlorine, or chloride, or chloramine, are all GREATLY exaggerated by people who really don't understand the science (Hence whey they suggest letting water sit to evaporate off something that is added in forms where it doesn't evaporate). As a matter of fact, if you really think your tap water is the problem, I would check your tap water's Sodium levels, as those are much more likely to rise to a threshold that can actually hurt the plants than chlorine is, especially if you live, for instance, near the coast in Cali. This drought has driven our tap water's sodium levels through the roof (Talking >100ppm) and that can affect sensitive plants very easily. ALSO, after letting water evaporate for 6 days, the concentration of things like Sodium will be even higher since none of it leaves with the evaporated water, so I would suggest using it straight from the tap with no downtime.
I was just reading up on this myself. Good primer here:
Well today is a really sad day. I am growing 8 plants 4 sour D and 4 Blue Magoo cross and all are males every single one. They all look so amazingly healthy and just big. I am heart broke
I would keep looking for causes man, the effects of chlorine, or chloride, or chloramine, are all GREATLY exaggerated by people who really don't understand the science (Hence whey they suggest letting water sit to evaporate off something that is added in forms where it doesn't evaporate). As a matter of fact, if you really think your tap water is the problem, I would check your tap water's Sodium levels, as those are much more likely to rise to a threshold that can actually hurt the plants than chlorine is, especially if you live, for instance, near the coast in Cali. This drought has driven our tap water's sodium levels through the roof (Talking >100ppm) and that can affect sensitive plants very easily. ALSO, after letting water evaporate for 6 days, the concentration of things like Sodium will be even higher since none of it leaves with the evaporated water, so I would suggest using it straight from the tap with no downtime.
Awesome man, thanks….. I used to get the super clean Mountain runoff water before but now I moved and get added chloramine for the city treatment which is yuck to me. So 3 1/2 weeks ago popped 10pk Archives and all my freebies popped with a bottled watering 2 times. 1st 2wks then ran out of Bottled Spring water so I went to the tap to try out about 2nd week. I then get a new 5pk G.A.S and 3 I.R.G freebies put them into same medium and setup just tap water this time:confused: and only 1 G.A.S popped with the chloramine water. The 1s tap watering my plants all drooped and hated that stuff they started getting dry leaves 24hrs later cracking in the middle of the leaves and not growing at all. I could watch them grow before everyday then they drank shitty city water and said :spew: screw that crap, except 1 strong ass Afghani White Widow pheno. I guess it can choose not to absorb the chloramine or something. I researched the hell out of it and for Organic gardeners like myself it disturbs the Micro organisms I.E beneficial algae and microbes that benefit the roots development, it is basically killed and wiped out with untreated chloramine water. After seeing several options to treat and neutralize the Chloramine I chose to put 1000mg vitamin C dissolvable tablets crushed up in about 30-40 gallons this neutralizes the chemical compounds making them digestible to plants and fish for Aquariums. I did this and immediately within 2hrs of flushing every plant they all perked up beautifully and shot off like rockets:-D pretty crazy but I think Im good now. That was yesterday and they are just Loving life again now with a water PH of 6.7 Vitamin C treated.
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Well today is a really sad day. I am growing 8 plants 4 sour D and 4 Blue Magoo cross and all are males every single one. They all look so amazingly healthy and just big. I am heart broke
How do you know for sure they are all Male???? Thats really weird man I have never heard of that kinda ratio. How did you check their sex????
They all have balls all over I'm sure they are they have been in flower for about 18 days.
WOW man that blows…. take the pollen save it from the best 2 Dads and freeze it for later Love making. Small Q-tip rubbed on the bottom smaller buds of your next female with this pollen will hook you up nice .You should get something to be proud of later.
WOW man that blows…. take the pollen save it from the best 2 Dads and freeze it for later Love making. Small Q-tip rubbed on the bottom smaller buds of your next female with this pollen will hook you up nice .You should get something to be proud of later.
That is a good idea I will definitely be doing that should I cut a hole branch off an just put that in a bag or should I shake off the pollen and scrap it in a bag? And thanks for the info on the pollen
That is a good idea I will definitely be doing that should I cut a hole branch off an just put that in a bag or should I shake off the pollen and scrap it in a bag? And thanks for the info on the pollen
I would let go till they are busting open take a couple branches 1 at a time and shake those into the ziploc bag specifically labeled to each male. Take each kind later and with just a light rub inside the ziploc with a Q-tip specifically rub that [with no air circulating at that time] onto several flagged female buds with white hairs about 3-4 weeks into 12/12.Thats usually when those calyxes just start showing a little bud clustering and light stickiness and are ready for pollenating.I do this in a closed closet or room without other females even around. Then blow with my mouth excess unstuck pollen off and let sit for 24 hrs before returning into the grow space.Finish the rest of its life cycle in 12/12 and salvage the unpolinated nug for medicating once finished with and the others will have more than enough seeds to find something sweet.You should have 30-50 seeds maybe.
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I'm rather relieved that the BOG varieties I have my eye on are out of stock at NGR. The 20% off promo was tempting, but I have to budget. I have mine for this season anyway.
I like around 40% in flower. 55-60 in veg is fine, but if you have fat, thick, dense, resinous buds, the lower the humidity the better to avoid bud rot.
Yeah it figures I can't get it below 55 the hole grow has been 40-45 but for some reason when I flipped to 12/12 it raised to 55-60
Yeah it figures I can't get it below 55 the hole grow has been 40-45 but for some reason when I flipped to 12/12 it raised to 55-60

Try damp rid. You can get it in the paint section at homedepot or lowes. I just pour some of the "refill" into a couple of small containers and let it turn to water. It will certainly help.
Try damp rid. You can get it in the paint section at homedepot or lowes. I just pour some of the "refill" into a couple of small containers and let it turn to water. It will certainly help.
Yea I have one of them and a mini dehumidifire and still having trouble
@newguy1 Turn up your exhaust fan. If it's already at max, exhaust air some other way. Just leaving a door open can make a huge difference.

NGR consistently has great promos. I'm always drooling over things these breeders are offering through this seed bank. Places like the tude and herbies are pretty stale these days. I wanna thank NGR for keeping it fresh.

Keep keepin' it fresh!
Anyone heard anything about Homegrown Natural Wonders? They just dropped on NGR but it just looks like a bunch of TGA crosses, are they affiliated with TGA somehow? Maybe Subcool is re-branding?
Anyone heard anything about Homegrown Natural Wonders? They just dropped on NGR but it just looks like a bunch of TGA crosses, are they affiliated with TGA somehow? Maybe Subcool is re-branding?

I have seen several "breeders" lately with nothing but TGA crosses. Yeah right, they are unstable as hell by TGA, now they are crossing unstable strains for super unstable strains.
I have seen several "breeders" lately with nothing but TGA crosses. Yeah right, they are unstable as hell by TGA, now they are crossing unstable strains for super unstable strains.
"For the consumer who thought 'Three phenos? That's far too few!'"
Anyone heard anything about Homegrown Natural Wonders? They just dropped on NGR but it just looks like a bunch of TGA crosses, are they affiliated with TGA somehow? Maybe Subcool is re-branding?

I think so too, 420 in Colorado helped NGR get even more Breeders this year I bet and they have our good feedback so your gonna probably see the gates open up with new crosses and companies……But just like you said there is some silly Breeders that cross unstable strains or Phenos then quickly take the 1st seed crop and sell them to get it out there. This kinda crap is coming even more now with all the yuppies in Col. and Mich. thinking they are the shit and crossing everything. So for us true growers/breeders who have done that and grown those F1 seeds out and barely found 1 -2 keepers out of 25- 50 plants know thats not solid enough to sell or even breed further.:wall:
I think so too, 420 in Colorado helped NGR get even more Breeders this year I bet and they have our good feedback so your gonna probably see the gates open up with new crosses and companies……But just like you said there is some silly Breeders that cross unstable strains or Phenos then quickly take the 1st seed crop and sell them to get it out there. This kinda crap is coming even more now with all the yuppies in Col. and Mich. thinking they are the shit and crossing everything. So for us true growers/breeders who have done that and grown those F1 seeds out and barely found 1 -2 keepers out of 25- 50 plants know thats not solid enough to sell or even breed further.:wall:
I'd like them a lot better if they were really F1's, since IMO nothing beats true hybrid vigour, but most of TGA gear is based on only a few males, so re-crossing their stuff probably yields a lot more BX or poly-hybrids than true F1s, since a true F1 has parents with distinct genotypes (i.e. when you cross two different landraces). Equilibrium is a good example of someone who has REAL F1's, since he has a couple great heirloom landraces that go into crosses like Colombian x Malawi
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