what the big deal with fogger


New Member
i did it for a cloner and they went flat limp in hours and i built the aerocloner in that time hooked it up and 4 hours later ...bang straight as an arrow

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
My thinking was that the fog carries more oxygen than a mist or light sprayer, so by giving the plant a oxygen rich water source, although it doesnt have nutes, would still be beneficial and increase plant growth.

In my research of fogponics, the reason many said it was so beneficial for growth was that the fog was a oxygen rich environment, giving the plant access to more of its vital resources all at the same time. Much moreso than a aero mister/sprayer setup. I know we dont have the nutrient rich solution, but i am hypothesizing that a water and oxygen rich solution would still be beneficial.
Well, the easiest way for roots to get oxygen is from exposure to air. Problem being ordinary air is a tick dry for roots. The reason we bang on about dissolved oxygen in nutes is that it's more convenient in most cases, where roots are contained in a medium of some sort, to carry the O2 to the roots with the liquid that's going there anyway than to try to expose the roots to air.

If you're game to get more O2 to roots in your aero system, which can keep roots constantly dampened and which has no media on the roots, you do have an unusual opportunity. How about putting some fans on your tubes which blow air through them constantly and run the sprayers constantly?


New Member
If you're game to get more O2 to roots in your aero system, which can keep roots constantly dampened and which has no media on the roots, you do have an unusual opportunity. How about putting some fans on your tubes which blow air through them constantly and run the sprayers constantly?

see now your talkin...that's the only thing i didn't do to mine and i think maybe i should have.


Well-Known Member
Gee, I thought the point of growing dope was to get some dope. I may have to rethink this. :?
And gee, I always thought the point of smoking dope was to get high. Yet, some people could give a fuck less about the high and are simply concerned with taste and visual aspects. The point is, as bizzare as it sounds, some people prioritize things in a manner that might not be consistent with an item's practical use.

My point was that the concept of applying fertilisers in water isn't a world away from the plants getting nutes out of soil, certainly not as reality defying as trying to grow plants with LEDs, in total ignorance of or with total disregard for the function of light intensity in photosynthesis, for example.
On the contrary, sir, the concept of applying nutrients via water is worlds away from growing with soil. If you were to journey back a few hundred years to when knowledge wasn't as advanced as today, people believed that soil was a necessity for plant growth. And if you were to claim that you could cultivate a plant of any kind "with total disregard for the function of" soil, they probably would have scoffed at you. However, as time progressed, advancements were made and it was realized that soil was not needed. This is why growing in hydroponics doesn't sound like a radical leap from growing to soil to you -- the correct knowledge of plants and notion of hydroponics has been around for quite some time.

I'm sure that in a few years, some individual will perfect LED growing based off some principle that has yet to be discovered, and growing with LEDs will not carry such a radical connotation.

Really? What do you do for taste management in your hydro op?
If you grow with soil, you're going to have the 'earthy taste.' By utilizing hydroponics, this is not necessarily true. You can add synergistic saccharides to enhance flavor (yes, I know this can be done in soil), and produce a sweet crop without the earthy taste.



Active Member
Well, the easiest way for roots to get oxygen is from exposure to air. Problem being ordinary air is a tick dry for roots. The reason we bang on about dissolved oxygen in nutes is that it's more convenient in most cases, where roots are contained in a medium of some sort, to carry the O2 to the roots with the liquid that's going there anyway than to try to expose the roots to air.

If you're game to get more O2 to roots in your aero system, which can keep roots constantly dampened and which has no media on the roots, you do have an unusual opportunity. How about putting some fans on your tubes which blow air through them constantly and run the sprayers constantly?
Great minds think alike, just a minute ago i was offline and thinking to myself about the concepts involved, and i thought, why dont i just put an intake fan on the end of my tubes to give them a constant fresh air flow. Damn your good! I was thinking one of those 80 cfm 4inch fans.

Do you think it will get enough oxygen running the misters 24/7, i run them 1/5th of that and they seem to do well.

Thanks for the info so far.


Active Member
Are a lot of guys running their aero sprayers 24/7, i havent heard this too often. It seems to me there is probably an abundance of oxygen in the pipes, yet i was always acustomed to giving the plant breaks in watering. Even when i grew in soil, i didnt keep the pots moist all the time, i let them dry up, then i would water, seemed to me this kept the plant thirsty for more. Does this apply similarly to aero? Somebody was on here preaching hardcore about giving the roots time to breathe in his aero setup, and he had documented results to go by, so i went with it. What do you think?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
And gee, I always thought the point of smoking dope was to get high.
Don't change the subject. I'm not talking about smoking dope- I'm talking about growing it. If you're going to grow dope, you're doing it to get dope. If you're hell-bent on using unproven, experimental methods, getting dope out of a grow isn't a sure thing.

On the contrary, sir, the concept of applying nutrients via water is worlds away from growing with soil.
Nah, no sale. The value of liquid fertilisers has been well known for millennia, particularly to dwellers of mountainous regions, where animal pens were commonly up the hill from the garden patch, allowing rainwater runoff to pick up animal excreta and fertilise the very poor soils, previously depleted by leaching.

I'm sure that in a few years, some individual will perfect LED growing based off some principle that has yet to be discovered, and growing with LEDs will not carry such a radical connotation.
Speculation- and of no help to growers trying to use the present LED technology to grow plants. At present, LEDs are more useful on your xmas tree than over your cannabis plants. But you sure can't convince the valiant experimenters... you know, the folks with big ideas but with no buds... like I said a while ago...
You can add synergistic saccharides to enhance flavor (yes, I know this can be done in soil), and produce a sweet crop without the earthy taste.
Synergistic saccharides? What chemicals containing these 'synergistic saccharides' are you suggesting and in what quantity?

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Great minds think alike, just a minute ago i was offline and thinking to myself about the concepts involved, and i thought, why dont i just put an intake fan on the end of my tubes to give them a constant fresh air flow. Damn your good! I was thinking one of those 80 cfm 4inch fans.

Do you think it will get enough oxygen running the misters 24/7, i run them 1/5th of that and they seem to do well.
hehhehheh, interesting what happens when you peel it all back to first principles. ;)

Sure, I bet a few computer fans would do the trick. You don't need a wind tunnel, just some air motion to bring in more oxygen.

The only drawback I can think of to running the sprayers all the time is heating of the nute solution by the pump. Coincidentally, if there's enough airflow through your tubes, the nute solution would be cooled, acting like a bit of a radiator.


Well-Known Member
Don't change the subject. I'm not talking about smoking dope- I'm talking about growing it. If you're going to grow dope, you're doing it to get dope. If you're hell-bent on using unproven, experimental methods, getting dope out of a grow isn't a sure thing.
AdReNaLiNeRuSh said:
The point is, as bizzare as it sounds, some people prioritize things in a manner that might not be consistent with an item's practical use.

Nah, no sale. The value of liquid fertilisers has been well known for millennia, particularly to dwellers of mountainous regions, where animal pens were commonly up the hill from the garden patch, allowing rainwater runoff to pick up animal excreta and fertilise the very poor soils, previously depleted by leaching.
Yes, I agree that fertilizers have been around for millennia, however, as just that, a fertilizer, a synergistic substance to soil. They still believed that soil was a necessity.

Speculation- and of no help to growers trying to use the present LED technology to grow plants. At present, LEDs are more useful on your xmas tree than over your cannabis plants. But you sure can't convince the valiant experimenters... you know, the folks with big ideas but with no buds... like I said a while ago...
The results of using LEDs hold about as much importance to my point as your claim of speculation; regardless of results or future events, the perpetuating amount of information, as proven consistently throughout history, continues to reshape our views of many radical paradigms, brining them to a much more 'everyday' thing. And for the time, growing in an inherit medium was a radical idea.

Synergistic saccharides? What chemicals containing these 'synergistic saccharides' are you suggesting and in what quantity?
Take your pick: sugar, molasses, Advanced Nutrients Sweet Leaf... and at whatever quantity your heart desires ;)


...thanks for putting up a good, and completely off-topic now haha, debate.
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Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Take your pick: sugar, molasses, Advanced Nutrients Sweet Leaf... and at whatever quantity your heart desires ;)
oh man. Don't go down the sticky path of molasses or sugar. Vascular plants can't use them as a nutrient. They're good food for bacteria and some fungi but cannabis plants will ignore them. Can be absolutely disastrous in hydro systems.

In many, MANY searches, the only peer-reviewed evidence from reputable researchers in the botanical science college of a decent uni I've ever found for use of sugars in horticulture (and not really) is the incorporation of sugar beet processing waste in soil as a soil conditioner. People selling 'Carbo Load' and other nonsense are taking wishful growers for a ride.

This chat between you and I started off as a discussion about use of experimental methods in a grow op and why noobs shouldn't use them. I maintain that if you're growing dope, you're not doing it for the sport of it, you're doing it to get dope. If you want dope, use tried and proven methods. Noobs should find an example of a productive op and copy it to the letter.


Well-Known Member
People selling 'Carbo Load' and other nonsense are taking wishful growers for a ride.
Personally, I haven't tried to many additives. However, my new grow room is under construction at the moment, and in the meantime, have been trying to surmise what I will include in my regiment of nutes. All I really have to go off of are the anonymous voices of forums like this, and the local growers I meet. If I talk to a person who supports nutrient X or nutrient Y, and they sell me on it, I'll try it. I don't come across to many people really who call a bluff on nute companies. Though Sweet Leaf and Carbo Load are two popular ones that a lot of people 'swear by', and I have decided to include the Cabo Load in the upcoming crop.

This chat between you and I started off as a discussion about use of experimental methods in a grow op and why noobs shouldn't use them. I maintain that if you're growing dope, you're not doing it for the sport of it, you're doing it to get dope. If you want dope, use tried and proven methods. Noobs should find an example of a productive op and copy it to the letter.
Well, from what I've read, you're thing is huge grows with short periods in between harvests. That's pretty chill; I can respect that. And don't get me wrong, I would be upset to a point if I lost a whole crop and had no personals. But the thing is, you're talking to a probably-younger-than-you-think pothead college student going for his degree in biochem with aspirations of drug R&D. I love fucking around and experimenting with stuff. Hell, two life goals are to synthesize a cure for a major disease and a new hallucinogenic drug. The passion sorta transcends into my pot growing. Any new idea I can conceive of to improve bud I'll throw into play and see what'll happen.



Well-Known Member
whoa learn alot of stuff here.. and can u boil the fogger in hot water once a week to get rid of the salt?? well i do have the basic understandin of hydroponic so i think i do good on my fogger unit this sat.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I would not boil the fogger. It's an electronic device and may have components not rated to exceed 80C.

Nute salts will have a very high melting point and thus probably won't shift with heat. Try a scrub with a toothbrush every week or so.


New Member
Are a lot of guys running their aero sprayers 24/7,
that's hit or miss some say yes and some no....i say hell yes...also with evidence i will be posting shortly
i havent heard this too often. It seems to me there is probably an abundance of oxygen in the pipes,
same amount in the room
yet i was always acustomed to giving the plant breaks in watering.
depends on sooo many things
Even when i grew in soil, i didnt keep the pots moist all the time, i let them dry up, then i would water, seemed to me this kept the plant thirsty for more. Does this apply similarly to aero?
not at all...dont let anyone tell you different
Somebody was on here preaching hardcore about giving the roots time to breathe in his aero setup, and he had documented results to go by, so i went with it. What do you think?
i think it's like i told you...anyone can do aeroclones they are soooo stupid proof...the fact that this weed baron you mention got wonderfull results doing unnecessary stuff illustrates my point. it's so much easier than they make it sound with aero
Don't change the subject. I'm not talking about smoking dope- I'm talking about growing it. If you're going to grow dope, you're doing it to get dope. If you're hell-bent on using unproven, experimental methods, getting dope out of a grow isn't a sure thing.

Nah, no sale. The value of liquid fertilisers has been well known for millennia, particularly to dwellers of mountainous regions, where animal pens were commonly up the hill from the garden patch, allowing rainwater runoff to pick up animal excreta and fertilise the very poor soils, previously depleted by leaching.

Speculation- and of no help to growers trying to use the present LED technology to grow plants. At present, LEDs are more useful on your xmas tree than over your cannabis plants. But you sure can't convince the valiant experimenters... you know, the folks with big ideas but with no buds... like I said a while ago...

Synergistic saccharides? What chemicals containing these 'synergistic saccharides' are you suggesting and in what quantity?
hehhehheh, interesting what happens when you peel it all back to first principles. ;)

Sure, I bet a few computer fans would do the trick. You don't need a wind tunnel, just some air motion to bring in more oxygen.

The only drawback I can think of to running the sprayers all the time is heating of the nute solution by the pump. Coincidentally, if there's enough airflow through your tubes, the nute solution would be cooled, acting like a bit of a radiator.
i simply love youkiss-ass


Well-Known Member
I would not boil the fogger. It's an electronic device and may have components not rated to exceed 80C.

Nute salts will have a very high melting point and thus probably won't shift with heat. Try a scrub with a toothbrush every week or so.
Those things get much hotter than that when working properly. The electronics are (or should be) completely sealed in epoxy.


New Member
i imagine mine is sealed but i cant see epoxy hanging out of it. and i quit using mine but it did get hot, i just never measured the difference in temps with and without it. i wonder if i used it in my cloner in tandem with the sprayers if it would make any noticable difference......hmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of putting mine in it's own little box inside the ebb-flow system. The idea is that when the pump is on it will flood the roots and fill the little fogger box at the same time. When it drains, the fogger box will keep it's own reserve of nute water and continue to fog without heating up the water that's in contact with the roots. Maybe using a material with good insulating properties will help keep heat transfer to a minimum when the tank is flooded. I hope this makes sense, I just did a few bongsmilie rips


Well-Known Member
I made a fogger cloner and I'll let you know what I find...

I am prepared to lose every clone in search of perfecting the fogger cloner I built.
