Let's Hug it out, Bitch...


Well-Known Member
Just saying hi, to all those I think are great on here. I love you, you're great!

It's the shitty people, the ones that suck ass and make you want to stab out your own eyes when you read what they write - it's them I'd like to thank.

Thank you to the annoying fuckwads that I hate on here. Because of your pitiful and asinine behaviour, you make the rest of us look good.


You know who you are!

Let's hug it out, bitch!

(feel free to tag someone that you want to hug or give a reach around to, this thread is all about the LOVE)

Keep on being awesome!

Love Yessica...

giphy.gif post-51193-Monsters-Inc-boo-hug-gif-Imgur-eYlo.gif pYwq0OG.jpg tumblr_mqf8sxypns1r0it61o1_400.gif c1880436dc55b141281b80b989cd5aeb_400x1000.jpg.gif 1YfXT6vtAgQKI.gif tumblr_lkcpl3yTTF1qhbj85o1_500.gif tumblr_n0ds3ncmjr1spjqtoo5_500.gif 76580-Breaking-Bad-hug-it-out-bitch-Zofj.png tumblr_n31xt3hvpf1ts1vzfo1_500.gif
You're welcome, Cutie...
Thanks man - I like you! You'er funny and fun, and seem to always have a good sense of humour about things. Plus you just called me cute - so in the rules of the internet, I need to give you a handie.

Which I did, by "like buttoning" your post.

No one else you wanna give a hug to?

Off the top of my head @WHATFG , @lahadaextranjera , @Diabolic @Flaming Pie , @curious2garden , @roseypeach , @xxMissxx , @miss J , @Diabolical666 , @april and @sunni ...

Let's hug it out, bitches!
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Thanks man - I like you! You'er funny and fun, and seem to always have a good sense of humour about things. Plus you just called me cute - so in the rules of the internet, I need to give you a handie.

Which I did, by "like buttoning" your post.

No one else you wanna give a hug to?

Off the top of my head @WHATFG , @lahadaextranjera , @Flaming Pie , @curious2garden , @roseypeach , @xxMissxx , @miss J , @april and @sunni ...

Let's hug it out, bitches!

You give the best likes, sometimes I can barely move afterward. I'll hug all those fine ladies you mentioned, you all add such a nice spice to this forum. Let the hug fest begin!
OOooooh @tyler.durden - careful there. You might start having TOO MUCH FUN.

The fun police will come and shut this thread down. Just like the last 3. hahaha

I'm not talking about mods here. I'm talking about the socks that are hell bent on ruining fun.

Oh there I go, negatron again.

This is about luuuuuuuuuuurve. And hugs. And tits and ass if you like, as long as ALL THE RULES ARE obeyed. hahaha
@insidagain , you were asking me about an AMA earlier...

I might start one, sometime. But not until these socks quit following me around and reporting my threads. Because - what's the point really?

Anywho - as long as rules are followed in here, I don't think this can get shut down. I don't think?

Lets see the motherfuckers try!!!!


It's hard not being aggravated. Fuck. Quick - SOMETHING CUTE!!!!!!!!

Your_So_Adorable_GIF.gif dean-adorable-gif-1.gif tumblr_mrut8qQO461qblxj7o1_500.gif 91284-adorable-puppy-gif.gif Im_adorable.gif tumblr_mhdh3aaPE51r2afs6o1_500.gif

Ahhhhhhhh....that's better....
You're such a strange cat. You're growing on me. DON'T FUCK IT UP!!!!
im not strange yessy i just like to keep myself to myself :)

i hang out with everyone and everyone hangs out with me , if this makes sense ;)

Ps ..... Id prefer " strange gorrilla" in the future lol my 3 kittens arnt happy !! And gorillas a little more Grrrr!!
I didn't even have enough time to grab my crusty sock before
View attachment 3401669
Pussy, is NOT my word. I don't like it. Saying "my pussy", just feels weird to me. Like the word "panties".

And "moist". GAK.

I don't like any of those words.

I like Vaj, Vagine, Box, and my all time favourite, Vagini. Although that's just my name for mine.

Anywho - I thought you would like that. I know what to say in terms of dirty things, I just don't always like to say them.

At one time I thought I would go into pornographic writing. At one time. hahaha
Pussy, is NOT my word. I don't like it. Saying "my pussy", just feels weird to me. Like the word "panties".

And "moist". GAK.

I don't like any of those words.

I like Vaj, Vagine, Box, and my all time favourite, Vagini. Although that's just my name for mine.

Anywho - I thought you would like that. I know what to say in terms of dirty things, I just don't always like to say them.

At one time I thought I would go into pornographic writing. At one time. hahaha
