Yessss. Deflesh the blackened skin. Peer within the Nubian artist.
Heartless like you hate me.
Regardless, berate me.
Sedate me with your boisterous
And seige this
Negus, befuddled by the sweetest amniotic fluid from the fetus
Devious sacrifices solidify my deified pose
Rose-golden statues stand erect behind my palace
Ceremonial mallets crush
Enemies' palates with malice
Callous met with amoral indifference
Warps the mind
In an existential emergency
Screams from the invasive surgery
Complement the boorish insurgency
I am not dead YET
The arrival of my disciples stifle
My opponents` intrusion
Illusory hallucinogenics
Dilute acute delusions
Of reality
Gradually fallacies are disclosed
By malleable throes of intense suffering
Hear me before you fear me
Dearly departed,
Black Heart on the black market
I cannot feel with these crushed hands in the darkness
Blinded by ocular incisions
Envision a deliverance from this derision
Enter my mind
Follow the signs of sanity vandalized by vanity
Tantalized by the errors of humanity
Suck my dick
Record your daughter eating that abased black schlong
You knew it all along
Wrecked her pussyhole with sin
She will never fit you again
I didn't intend to offend
Carry on
If attention is what u seek....attention is what u get..all kinds....

I once got a photo slideshow of a "member"demonstrating his best "finishing move"..I pitty the mom who got "stuck" cleaning up that mess ...seriously like everywhere.
Uuuuuuuurg! How do you ladies do it? hahahah

This is definitely the creepiest thing that has happened to me "in life". Sure this doesn't count totally because it's internets and all anonymous and stuff.

But Daaaaaaamn GINA! You and @sunni - I commend you!
Uuuuuuuurg! How do you ladies do it? hahahah

This is definitely the creepiest thing that has happened to me "in life". Sure this doesn't count totally because it's internets and all anonymous and stuff.

But Daaaaaaamn GINA! You and @sunni - I commend you!
I have a dark poem as well.

Roses are red, blood is too
Swarthy has never been laid, and he's taking it out on you.

I have a dark poem as well.

Roses are red, blood is too
Swarthy has never been laid, and he's taking it out on you.

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If you say his name, he LIKES it. Dude is crying in the dark somewhere choke-masterbating.

He's now thinning about your BEARD. With semen in it.

Yup - I hope your spine feels itchy. That's how mine has felt for a fucking week!!!

I have a poem for you all.
View attachment 3401908
No words needed..

Awwwwwes. I LOVE your poem. Hugs man!!!!