OK first of all, outdoor plants dont wait for 12/12 to flower.
2nd, everyone on earth goes to 12/12 on the same day, its called the equinox. It occurs on sept 21 and then again on march 21 every year
celebrated by pagans and agricultural societys for tens of thousands of years yet somehow 90 percent of newbies ask this question.
i say again WOW
Your outdoor Girls will start to flower soon if they haven't already
outdoor plants can flower anytime after the soltice, june 21. AKA the longest day of the year. as soon as the days start getting shorter the plant will get ready to flower
but may not actually start budding until mid august or even early sept.
givin your southerly latitude, flowering will generally start later than those of the same strain planted farther north. this is due to the fact that northern states lose more sunlight per day after the soltice than those in the south. The plant senses this and flowers sooner in an attempt to mature before frost