How do you roll?


Well-Known Member
Do you A cylinder shape the weed inside the square part of the paper and then inline the 2 square parts and roll or do you put one of the square part and stick it to the bottom part of the other side of the paper and then roll the top part?
cuz this is the 2 most popular way I've seen people do it.


Well-Known Member
grind it
buy a pack of smokes 100s empty out some from the front pack it ........get a smoke with my smoke (anyone smells anything by the time they talk to me it burnt and only tobacco is left )

used this for school court and family functions


Well-Known Member
I just try to roll cones but my hands lost much feeling from nerve problems so it's hard to roll now. I like the "back roll" joint though, I've been rolling that way when I roll a doob lately.



Well-Known Member
people here in catalunya take a whole cigarette, take a piece of bud the size of which i would not consider picking up from the floor if it happened to fall there, put tobacco and said placebo amount of cannabis in grinder and then put the cigarette filter as the tip. Its so fucking disgusting it angers me.


Well-Known Member
people here in catalunya take a whole cigarette, take a piece of bud the size of which i would not consider picking up from the floor if it happened to fall there, put tobacco and said placebo amount of cannabis in grinder and then put the cigarette filter as the tip. Its so fucking disgusting it angers me.
Never been a fan of tobacco with weed. And I smoked cigarettes for 20 years! My boyf does this thing called "poppers". I know they are called something different in a different parts of the world, but it's just basically a bong hit with a little piggy piece at the bottom of the bowl. TOO gross I think. But he won't smoke anything else.

To each their own...

I have been rolling joints/ smoking week since 1994.

I still fucking suck at rolling joints. I think it's because my hands are unsteady and I have really bad depth perception? Either way, I only roll when it is absolutely necessary.

Other people around me are waaaaaay better.


Well-Known Member
6 years ago my dad bought some 100 ounce swag bag and some zig zag he made me figure it out lol now i buy raw and it's roll lick and a flick of a bic


Active Member
Do you A cylinder shape the weed inside the square part of the paper and then inline the 2 square parts and roll or do you put one of the square part and stick it to the bottom part of the other side of the paper and then roll the top part?
cuz this is the 2 most popular way I've seen people do it.
This is the one thing that I almost can't help bragging about a little bit. I have a bit of a gift for joints. When I was 16 or so I rolled my own cigs by hand for like a solid year and got really good at it. Id roll them with the filter too which I quickly got used to. This transferred over to joints quickly and now I roll my joints with a rolled paper tip. some people don't get why I do this but it makes it much more neat, less saliva build up on the tip, and it blocks weed crumbs from getting in your mouth which is a huge annoyance of mine. As for cone or cylinder, I can do either. just depends on how much weed I got and how consistent I want it. Cones typically fit more weed in them. Usually mine are nice and crisp with few creases. Consistency is key. It's so fun to do I'm tempted to roll one right now but it would be wasteful with the nug I got right now. I usually only roll with mids or something which I rarely get anymore.