First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
o sry green bud i must of not read the bit about you askin me if im workin
na mate i quit my job!!
i fell out with my boss cause he kept putting me on days and nights in the same week n 12 hour shifts mind you... what are longgggggg as fuk... and givin me one day rest to i was late on my last shift of the week he went nuts at me so i told him to stick his job up his ass!!

i didnt even apply for it he asked me if i wanted it.. so no loss really so more time to play around with my grow sort it out abit:mrgreen:
i would rather be growin my weed than working:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
sry taken so long to get the pics green i forgot it has to be a certain image format to done it now though its the best i could do mate!!



Well-Known Member
oh yea the last 2 pics shows you what it looks like
its cheap but the guy who done it flowered with the same lights and his top cola came in at 15.1g:mrgreen:wowz

fuk it i uploaded some more pics to show ya



Well-Known Member
Thanks for taking the trouble to upload all those pics UK. That's one hell of a job that guy did with just those lights. The main cola is crazy LOL. Just not sure it would be practical any more with my ladies. In total I have about 37 feet of plants height-wise by about 16 feet across, with bud sights all over the place. And they're bound to grow even more during flowering. I think I would need about 50 of those bulbs LOL. Only joking UK - it's a good option worth considering. I'll just have to see how the weather goes and keep my fingers crossed. If it comes to it I will do it, it will be a hell of a lot better than them sitting in the rain all day and probably getting frozen to death into the bargain. Thanks again for all your trouble UK, it's very much appreciated.

Sorry to hear you had to quit your job man - but sounds like you did the right thing. That boss was a total w**ker, so you're better off away from it. No-one should have to put up with all that shit. And as you say it gives you more time to spend with your lovely ladies LOL. Nice one ...
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Well-Known Member
oh yea the last 2 pics shows you what it looks like
its cheap but the guy who done it flowered with the same lights and his top cola came in at 15.1g:mrgreen:wowz

fuk it i uploaded some more pics to show ya

looking great.
nice looking buds.
us unglish should stand together.
wouldnt mind a bud or 2 of that.
want my


Well-Known Member
Shit man they have SHOT up!!!! They are looking Beautiful! I'd love to have them as ornaments let alone what they'll be producing :P Keep it up man! Cant wait to see the end of this journal! Theyre thriving so well in our climate!


Well-Known Member
Good to see you GigglePimp, thanks for popping in and for your encouraging comments. I don't know how I'm going to cope with them if they get even bigger during flowering. It should be fun. My back is killing me as it is LOL.


Well-Known Member
lmao green i wasnt thinkin of you using that light on you're plants lol that you have now they are wayyy to big lol

i was thinking about maybe over the winter in ya garage get a new plant going to tide you over for crimbo day:mrgreen:

just a thought:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
LOL - I'm just being stupid UK, too early in the day that was. Completely forgot what we were talking about :o No you're right it would be great for a clone, or even some new seeds over the winter just to keep my hand in and give me a different strain to try. If I get a decent yield off the big plants I will have enough for donkeys as I'm real sensitive to marijana (and everything else for that matter) so don't need much to get mangled ;) But variety is the spice of life as they. Would love to try some Grapefruit or something like that just for a change. Will see how the money goes anyway (when I said I'm strapped I mean STRAPPED LOL). Thanks again and sorry for being such a dick LOL.


Well-Known Member
well my mate who is a grower said that he adds a tiny bit of nutes to his plants every two weeks and lets them sit outside like you green!! he said he's had top colas come in at the same size as a giant stella cans before...that should make you happy mate:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sounds good UK - great to know it can work out as well as that in this miserable place. Makes me a LOT happier thanks :) I was having a good look at them just now and I can definitely see signs that they are going to flower real soon. White calyxes are just starting to appear in among the stems of the small tightly packed leaves of the growing tips so I think they're on their way. The sun is out so they're looking happy, but only got an hour or two today in total. Maybe tomorrow will be better. As long as it's dry I don't mind though.


Well-Known Member
Well Green those girls look great. Especially the group pic of the Cinnamons with the Purples. Very impressive. Buds galore i'd say :mrgreen:. I'd be embarrassed to post a pic of my AMS Plants after seeing those :cry:....My own fault for planting too late....although they're showing signs of bushing up so ye never know. They enjoyed the few hours of sun today but be warned there's rain on its way for tommorrow :cuss: Lots of it.


Well-Known Member
Hi Pink, how's it going. Thanks for the comments - I love them dearly but can you imagine what my back is going through when I have to cart them about all day to get the sun LOL? I hope they're worth it. Don't be embarrassed mate, mine were a lot smaller not so very long ago. They will definitely bush up for you big time over the next few weeks, especially when they're flowering.

So loads of rain tomorrow - what's new eh? Getting fed up with it I have to say. My Cinnamons were really water-logged and just started to dry out today with their couple of hours in the sun. Back to porridge tomorrow then. Oh well, what can you do :cry: Catch you later Pink ...


Well-Known Member
man im paranoid enough about growing indoors! nice work. must be fairly remote where you live for nobody to notice that yet? or notice the smell in a couple of months time....


Well-Known Member
Hi mammal, thanks for stopping by. Yeah I have only one other house near me but no-one can see into my garden as it is surrounded by a 15 foot hedge LOL. The smell might get across to the next house, but it's an old lady and I doubt she'd know what it was. There's a high hedge and two garages in between us, so I'm hopeful it won't be a problem. More worried about the f**king local flying school who insist on flying their light planes and microlites overhead 10 times a day LOL. But with the fir trees and all I doubt they'd notice. Depends on who it is learning to fly of course ;)

Something else I don't think I've talked about much - I'm growing these for med reasons on the advice of and full support of my doctor. He has noted it on my file (not that I'm growing, just that he has advised me to smoke) and told me to send the bizzies to him if I get busted. It won't stop them fucking me up and taking my plants but a magistrate might go a bit lighter on me if he's in possession of all the facts and a letter (I hope) from my doctor. Fingers crossed it won't come to that LOL.
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Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Sup' Greeny?
I been busy and will still be for a couple days.
Good to see you back in the frame bro'.

Oh, by the way, I'm loving this.

Top job mate, they look the bollocks.


Well-Known Member
LOL - they are wrecking my bollocks carrying them around :o It IS good to be back thanks Barking - didn't realise how much I missed you all on here. Glad you popped in. Hope to see more of you when your busy spell is over. Cheers mate.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I love the story of the hedgehog. I have a rats nest at the bottom of the garden near the compost heap. I can't kill them either.