My 8hr flowering experiment


Well-Known Member
Just read a bunch of posts by some of the people watching this thread on other threads.
Putting this out there for you guys....up in the top right corner of the thread is an unwatch button.
Please feel free to use this and stick with the methods used by the "ancients."
I did this experiment to see if the article was full of shit or if this is a viable alternative not to be talked about and ridiculed in other threads. I was told from the beginning to keep the whole process to myself but thought it may benefit everyone so why not share it.
Im sorry that my medical situation kept me from removing the male plant in time and made this alot less sexy to all the experts but life is what it is.
Perhaps i shall stop posting to the thread and just grow these out long enough to collect the seeds and be done with all of this.

My desire to help the collective is waning fast.
People will run their mouth. Pay them no heed. I get this kind of simple assed 'feedback' all the time and I ignore it every time.

I think you're trying something different, and the way some people handle watching someone else do what they fear is to ridicule them.

If you were a conformist, you'd be wearing an uncomfortable suit and tie, going to the office in a BMW, showing off an expensive yet utterly useless watch and nursing your alcoholism while thinking of ways to cheat on your wife.

Clearly, you're a nonconformist, so they gotta take shots at you. It's much easier to do that than look at the pathetic mess they've made of their own lives.


Well-Known Member
Ive lived my entire life going by the philosophy that everyone are scumbags til they prove otherwise. However going through the worst couple years of my life ive tried to change my approach.
I generally looked at fellow "weed" folks as being likeminded and hippyish like me but this entire website has taught me that even the majority of people on here just want to argue and bitch just like everyone else.
I have all the time in the world for good people and the advice and opinions of good people but i have no room in my already dismal life for negative fuckers that get off putting others down regardless of what they believe.


Well-Known Member
Besides- if I was gonna shit talk your project, I'd do it right here in your thread like a real man... while hiding right here behind my keyboard, LOL
That is what id hope everyone would do.
I didnt write the article or say it would work. I am just crazy enough to try it and see what happens.
I know the internet turns everyone into a tough guy or smarter than everyone else. I just laugh at the assumptions everyone makes about each other without even knowing who ur talking to on the other end lol

I appreciate all you guys giving positive feedback you guys are whats keeping this project going or i would just cut my loses now.
I can barely walk with crutches yet i drag my broken ass in to keep these bitches alive just to see this through til the end.


Well-Known Member
That is what id hope everyone would do.
I didnt write the article or say it would work. I am just crazy enough to try it and see what happens.
I know the internet turns everyone into a tough guy or smarter than everyone else. I just laugh at the assumptions everyone makes about each other without even knowing who ur talking to on the other end lol

I appreciate all you guys giving positive feedback you guys are whats keeping this project going or i would just cut my loses now.
I can barely walk with crutches yet i drag my broken ass in to keep these bitches alive just to see this through til the end.
but it's the love of those bitches that motivates you to drag your broken ass to keep them alive, as painful as it may be, it's good to have a reason to move around

best of wishes on a full recovery :)


Well-Known Member
Just read a bunch of posts by some of the people watching this thread on other threads.
Putting this out there for you guys....up in the top right corner of the thread is an unwatch button.
Please feel free to use this and stick with the methods used by the "ancients."
I did this experiment to see if the article was full of shit or if this is a viable alternative not to be talked about and ridiculed in other threads. I was told from the beginning to keep the whole process to myself but thought it may benefit everyone so why not share it.
Im sorry that my medical situation kept me from removing the male plant in time and made this alot less sexy to all the experts but life is what it is.
Perhaps i shall stop posting to the thread and just grow these out long enough to collect the seeds and be done with all of this.

My desire to help the collective is waning fast.
For every person saying things in other threads, send them a picture of your penis, its obvious they want to suck on it so much.

In other news, how are the seeds looking? I am still in the wheel house that they will mature quicker than normal. I've been looking all over for information on wether pollen causes a female to delay flower maturation in hopes of collecting more over time. The University of Florida was doing studies on some plant(I was really medicated at the time and can't remember the plant) while my cousin was there, he said the initial results showed up to a 5 week delay in the progression of the flowering response. From what he told me, was there is a possibility of pollen having a orgasm delaying effect on plants, the orgasm being seed production. FWIW, I think it is still highly promising, but again, I was really stoned and only remember half the conversation.


Well-Known Member
I dont know though because from what ive ever seen in nature outside is that flowers plants trees anything the blooms all generally finish at the same time.
Bees and the wind are constantly re pollinating in theory everyday and they all seem to bloom and cycle equally yet the amount of pollination could be night and day?
I think while the plant is flowering and creating trics it is trying to make as many as possible with what water light and nutes its getting in the hopes of being pollinated.
I think environment is what slows flowering and maybe part genetics obv.

You may be right i will look into it now for curiousities sake.


Well-Known Member
I dont know though because from what ive ever seen in nature outside is that flowers plants trees anything the blooms all generally finish at the same time.
Bees and the wind are constantly re pollinating in theory everyday and they all seem to bloom and cycle equally yet the amount of pollination could be night and day?
I think while the plant is flowering and creating trics it is trying to make as many as possible with what water light and nutes its getting in the hopes of being pollinated.
I think environment is what slows flowering and maybe part genetics obv.

You may be right i will look into it now for curiousities sake.
That's true, but in nature there is a possibility of more pollen. Maybe they would flower faster if there wasn't so much pollen saturation. Cannabis has been so aggressively attacked, the pollen saturation is likely lower than say oak trees. So instead of being exposed to pollen initially, causing the plant to say "hey, I need to slow down and get as many pistils covered as I can" it just goes about its way flowering more rapidly, because it knows it can pop its own pollen given enough time.


Active Member
Just read a bunch of posts by some of the people watching this thread on other threads.
Putting this out there for you guys....up in the top right corner of the thread is an unwatch button.
Please feel free to use this and stick with the methods used by the "ancients."
I did this experiment to see if the article was full of shit or if this is a viable alternative not to be talked about and ridiculed in other threads. I was told from the beginning to keep the whole process to myself but thought it may benefit everyone so why not share it.
Im sorry that my medical situation kept me from removing the male plant in time and made this alot less sexy to all the experts but life is what it is.
Perhaps i shall stop posting to the thread and just grow these out long enough to collect the seeds and be done with all of this.

My desire to help the collective is waning fast.

Forget the haters people like them never invent or discover anything because their scared. Keep up the positive attitude your doing the right thing no doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Wont catch this guy doing it lol.

So tonight i managed to exchange the exhaust fan to a slightly larger one. Hopefully that will bring the temp down a lil bit. The cabinet is sitting at 82 degrees at its hottest and goes down to 74 with light out.
I also lowered and adjusted the batwing 4" hoping to get a lil more light on these buds.

Also moved a few plants around to even out the canopy a lil bit.
Took a few cuttings off the lower growth. Pretty small for clones but they havent started to flower yet so we'll see


Well-Known Member
Glad this is working keep checking in lol
So how far along are u now torontoke? Since flip.

Hot Diggity Sog

Well-Known Member
Wont catch this guy doing it lol.

So tonight i managed to exchange the exhaust fan to a slightly larger one. Hopefully that will bring the temp down a lil bit. The cabinet is sitting at 82 degrees at its hottest and goes down to 74 with light out.
I also lowered and adjusted the batwing 4" hoping to get a lil more light on these buds.

Also moved a few plants around to even out the canopy a lil bit.
Took a few cuttings off the lower growth. Pretty small for clones but they havent started to flower yet so we'll see
Any chance of some more pictures soon?