is smoking tobacco bad for you?


Well-Known Member
I've noticed people say smoking it cigs/tobacco is bad for you has lot of chemicals in it I stumbled across youtube videos like cannabis growers there's people growing tobacco plants at home and different strains and like cannabis it's a green normal plant. people can also use the same argument "it's a plant not bad for you" discuss and help me understand thanks.
i think its the ready made cigarettes with all the chemicals in idk.

to keep them burning and for taste or something ????

im often wrong when stoned

^^ im right about this though
mercury is also a naturally occurring element and will drop you dead with a quckness.. just because something is natural doesn't mean it can't kill you..
Same argument can be said about weed who says weed isn't bad for you? it could be or someone that hates weed could use that come back in the same argument against weed.
Would you smoke genetically modified, over nuted, never flushed,gnat infested,chemically enhanced, pesticide treated,rushed weed 10 times a day?
Combusting anything organic creates carbon monoxide among other nasty things that are harmful when inhaled.
"The only me is me, are you sure the only you is you?"
Honestly im not sure as i never grew my own haha! But why would organic cared for tomatoes and weed taste 10x better and tobacco not?

yeah thats the reason cigars are so expensive compared to a pack of smokes

i pay at the minimum 5 bucks for one stogie

and thats just for the double coronas