is smoking tobacco bad for you?

Its pretty simple logic, smoke kills.

This simple logic is flawed. Not all smoke kills.

It is possible (although expensive) to fully combust pure natural gas to produce carcinogen-free smoke, reducing all the hydrocarbons to CO2 and H2O.
This simple logic is flawed. Not all smoke kills.

It is possible (although expensive) to fully combust pure natural gas to produce carcinogen-free smoke, reducing all the hydrocarbons to CO2 and H2O.
Are we still talking about weed? Umm no....:lol:

"Our primary finding provides initial longitudinal evidence that cannabis use might elevate the risk of lung cancer."
Your still stupid*

Donald P. Tashkin, MD, Director of the Pulmonary Function Laboratories at the University of California, Los Angeles, stated in his article "Effects of Marijuana on the Lung and its Immune Defenses," published in the Mar. 1997 "Secretary's Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Initiative: Resource Papers" by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention:
"Analysis of the smoke contents of marijuana and tobacco reveals much the same gas phase constituents, including chemicals known to be toxic to respiratory tissue. Moreover, these gas phase components are present in somewhat similar concentrations in the smoke generated from the same quantity of marijuana and tobacco.

The particulate phase (tar) constituents of marijuana and tobacco smoke are also generally similar, with the major exception that marijuana contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and scores of other llIC-like (cannabinoid) compounds not found in tobacco, while tobacco tar contains nicotine not found in marijuana.

With regard to the carcinogenic potential of marijuana, it is noteworthy that the tar phase of marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogenic compounds contained in tobacco smoke, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benz[a]pyrene, which was recently identified as a key factor promoting human lung cancer... Preliminary findings suggest that marijuana smoke activates cytochrome P4501A1, the enzyme that converts polycyclic hydrocarbons, such as benz[a]pyrene, into active carcinogens."
If you call some one stupid, you should spell the words correctly, moron.

I get it, there are tar and compounds in marijuana smoke yet it has not been show to cause cancer.
Nah, ive been to jamaica and africa where all the smoke is weed cause they can't afford tobbacco, and they can grow their own weed. And yup, they die from lung cancer. If you smoke anything itll give you cancer, even if you eat smoked fish your whole life you have an increased risk of cancer. Argentineans cook over open flame at an angle that keeps the smoke produced from falling onto the fire, and then wafting over the meat again. Even burning meat juice smoke will give you cancer.
Its a rough world out there guys. Smoke will kill you no matter how you try to ingest it.

Gotta love it when kids get on the internet.
Your still stupid*

Donald P. Tashkin, MD, Director of the Pulmonary Function Laboratories at the University of California, Los Angeles, stated in his article "Effects of Marijuana on the Lung and its Immune Defenses," published in the Mar. 1997 "Secretary's Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Initiative: Resource Papers" by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention:
"Analysis of the smoke contents of marijuana and tobacco reveals much the same gas phase constituents, including chemicals known to be toxic to respiratory tissue. Moreover, these gas phase components are present in somewhat similar concentrations in the smoke generated from the same quantity of marijuana and tobacco.

The particulate phase (tar) constituents of marijuana and tobacco smoke are also generally similar, with the major exception that marijuana contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and scores of other llIC-like (cannabinoid) compounds not found in tobacco, while tobacco tar contains nicotine not found in marijuana.

With regard to the carcinogenic potential of marijuana, it is noteworthy that the tar phase of marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogenic compounds contained in tobacco smoke, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benz[a]pyrene, which was recently identified as a key factor promoting human lung cancer... Preliminary findings suggest that marijuana smoke activates cytochrome P4501A1, the enzyme that converts polycyclic hydrocarbons, such as benz[a]pyrene, into active carcinogens."
This study is from 18 years ago. Tashkin's recent work found no cancer-marijuana connection. Here is a quote directly from him:

"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."
I have another stalker

Brave abe is stalking me so yessica will give him a pat on the head

Now finish me with a meme abe
maybe a butthurt one?
Here I come to save you yessica!

I've noticed people say smoking it cigs/tobacco is bad for you has lot of chemicals in it I stumbled across youtube videos like cannabis growers there's people growing tobacco plants at home and different strains and like cannabis it's a green normal plant. people can also use the same argument "it's a plant not bad for you" discuss and help me understand thanks.

smoking can kill you,,or at least harm you in many ways,,,I know,,I smoke,,,lung disease heart disease ,,,,,mouth and gum disease,,,actually losing teeth as we speak,,,,
With respect, I wasn't referring to the combustion of cannabis but rather your sweeping generalization that all smoke kills, which is incorrect.
Ya im refering to your nit picking statement. Its.....meh. Yes, you are correct. I didnt realize that i was going to be scrutinized so closely lol.
I have another stalker

Brave abe is stalking me so yessica will give him a pat on the head

Now finish me with a meme abe
maybe a butthurt one?
Im butthurt that this site is going to shit because of stupid assholes like you fucking it up. You dumb fuck trolls have no lives and get off when you piss people off. Youre nothing but dumb fuck kids wrecking a decent site. I just talked to clayton bigsby and he was saying he stopped in to riu for a bit and said what the fuck am i thinking coming back here? This place is shit now. And its because of stupid fucks like you. I could give a fuck about you, youre just a useless pos like all the other trolls that are fucking this site up. All the good members are leaving because of retards like you. Retards with nothing better to do with your lives than to wreck other peoples days. If that makes you feel better about yourself then your a piece of shit, but im sure you already know that ;)
Im butthurt that this site is going to shit because of stupid assholes like you fucking it up. You dumb fuck trolls have no lives and get off when you piss people off. Youre nothing but dumb fuck kids wrecking a decent site. I just talked to clayton bigsby and he was saying he stopped in to riu for a bit and said what the fuck am i thinking coming back here? This place is shit now. And its because of stupid fucks like you. I could give a fuck about you, youre just a useless pos like all the other trolls that are fucking this site up. All the good members are leaving because of retards like you. Retards with nothing better to do with your lives than to wreck other peoples days. If that makes you feel better about yourself then your a piece of shit, but im sure you already know that ;)
Just ignore button man.

It sucks, but it's effective.

Love you, you're great. Thanks for being such a dude.
This study is from 18 years ago. Tashkin's recent work found no cancer-marijuana connection. Here is a quote directly from him:

"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."
Well heres a more recent one. I think some people are confused with the health benifits of ingesting herb rather than smoking it. Smoking causes cancer.

A comparison of mainstream and sidestream marijuana and tobacco cigarette smoke produced under two machine smoking conditions.
Moir D1, Rickert WS, Levasseur G, Larose Y, Maertens R, White P, Desjardins S.
Author information

The chemical composition of tobacco smoke has been extensively examined, and the presence of known and suspected carcinogens in such smoke has contributed to the link between tobacco smoking and adverse health effects. The consumption of marijuana through smoking remains a reality and, among youth, seems to be increasing. There have been only limited examinations of marijuana smoke, including for cannabinoid content and for tar generation. There have not been extensive studies of the chemistry of marijuana smoke, especially in direct comparison to tobacco smoke. In this study, a systematic comparison of the smoke composition of both mainstream and sidestream smoke from marijuana and tobacco cigarettes prepared in the same way and consumed under two sets of smoking conditions, was undertaken. This study examined the suite of chemicals routinely analyzed in tobacco smoke. As expected, the results showed qualitative similarities with some quantitative differences. In this study, ammonia was found in mainstream marijuana smoke at levels up to 20-fold greater than that found in tobacco. Hydrogen cyanide, NO, NO x , and some aromatic amines were found in marijuana smoke at concentrations 3-5 times those found in tobacco smoke. Mainstream marijuana smoke contained selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at concentrations lower than those found in mainstream tobacco smoke, while the reverse was the case for sidestream smoke, with PAHs present at higher concentrations in marijuana smoke. The confirmation of the presence, in both mainstream and sidestream smoke of marijuana cigarettes, of known carcinogens and other chemicals implicated in respiratory diseases is important information for public health and communication of the risk related to exposure to such materials.