
Well-Known Member
My state 4 plants is a ticket. 5 felony.

You have to read your state law. It also helps to read the paper and watch other mj cases in your area to get a feel for how hard they persu it.

Growing next to a cop is dangerous, so is anywhere else.

You go ahead and do what you want. Just remember, one mistake and your done.

I think its silly to have this argument. Its illegal on federal level and people get comfortable because the state says you can.

Just remember everyone, what we do is illegal federally. Don't kid yourself. The big boys could bust your door down and take you if they wanted to. It happens everyday.


Well-Known Member
My state 4 plants is a ticket. 5 felony.

You have to read your state law. It also helps to read the paper and watch other mj cases in your area to get a feel for how hard they persu it.

Growing next to a cop is dangerous, so is anywhere else.

You go ahead and do what you want. Just remember, one mistake and your done.

I think its silly to have this argument. Its illegal on federal level and people get comfortablebecause the state says you can.

Just remember everyone, what we do is illegal federally. Don't kid yourself. The big boys could bust your door down and take you if they wanted to. It happens everyday.
My state 4 plants is a ticket. 5 felony.

You have to read your state law. It also helps to read the paper and watch other mj cases in your area to get a feel for how hard they persu it.

Growing next to a cop is dangerous, so is anywhere else.

You go ahead and do what you want. Just remember, one mistake and your done.

I think its silly to have this argument. Its illegal on federal level and people get comfortable because the state says you can.

Just remember everyone, what we do is illegal federally. Don't kid yourself. The big boys could bust your door down and take you if they wanted to. It happens everyday.
thats how i look at,also if he was not living down there i still would not be able to fuck up kuz the people that live around will tell on me no mater if there wearing uniform or not it was just a call away now its just a knock away charg is still the same, theses cops did not take special training there all family and know some 1 to get the job, its not like in the city, also its the same as your law just they go by weight and us growers has rounded it up to no moor then 5 small plants and your fucked so we grow 4 kuz they can still hit you up over the 5 but most care less and will grow 50 or moor, they look at like well he is growing 4 or 5 plants he is not trying to sell it kuz they don't amount to shit, and my buddy rock got busted growing out side his apt and he knew they got spotted and where they was getting ready to be picked in 2 days he takes them in side his apt then cops take him to jail he got out in 3 days with no fines or nothing he still lives in the same apt


Well-Known Member
Right. There are grows in mineshafts underground, well hidden that get busted. Somehow. Shit goes wrong. It takes one little shit to go wrong and everyone will smell the shit. Then your busted. Go google cannabis bust and some of that shit, these guys got budgets of hundreds of thousands and some shit went wrong and they got fucked. And those guys are smart and well financed. Your not well financed and you make assumptions.

He dont need magic to bust you. If you had your shit together you wouldnt grow in a house where a cop lives. You wouldnt even consider it.

What if you have a power outage? What if your equipment fails? What if there is a small air leak. What if the cop thinks your acting funny. Body language and just finds a fake ass reason to get a search warrant. What if your clothes stink one day. What if you have a tiny leaf on you? I find shake all over my house and I dont even grow in it. There is so much shit that can go wrong.

Just because you fooled your dad dont mean your fooling the cops. I bouncing out of this thread dude. My 10 cents is that your high risk for a bust.
If this were to seriously happen for four little plants then your country is in worse shape than I thought . . . lol. If you're not selling and it's legit for personal use, what cop, gun ho or not, is going to waste the hundreds of thousands of dollars on a personal closet grow? Better yet, what judge would prosecute such a ridiculous fascist case. Well, I shouldn't speak to soon with Harper still leading his regime.


Well-Known Member
That's like in my province only less, 2 plants is a slap on the wrist while 3 is an indictable offence.
its stupid man if they was not going to make it legal every where in the us they not be making it leagal in the states at all, they not doing that with crack, and where i live its pills pills and moor pils and thats what they chasing not pot dealers or pot heads just pill heads and dealers you get 15 years for 1 oc here and thats cool with me i dont do pills, just funny you can walk down the street and buy a joint in my town but you got to know some 1 well to find a pill


Well-Known Member
yo need to keep reading down to where it says cultivation,,Cultivation in West Virginia will be punished based upon the aggregate weight of the plants found as either simple possession or as possession with the intent to distribute. See the "Possession" and "Sale or Distribution" sections for further penalty details.

if you grow moor then 5 plants they will say you are trying to sale it and can some times also say you are trying to sale 5 plants that becomes moor charges, we know in wv that 4 plants is simple possession with out getting hit with the selling charge, unless you grow huge ass plants but 4 3 ft plants is not jail time the first time at all it can be but most will pay the fine did you read where it said.. Cultivation in West Virginia will be punished based upon the aggregate weight of the plants found as either simple possession or as possession with the intent to distribute. See the "Possession" and "Sale or Distribution" sections for further penalty details. if you grow to much then its possession with the intent to distribute if you grow 4 small plants its simple possession and 99% of the time they rip them up and dont do nothing in my case where im planting them over his head i will got to pay up i say, there 3 small ass autoflowers as of right now that im harvesting in 2 or 3 weeks not going to be possession with the intent to distribute, and here if they see 4 plants they know your not making money off that shit and dont bother weighing them.. Possession of marijuana in any amount is a misdemeanor punishable by not less than 90 days, nor more than 6 months and not fined more than $1,000. they never make you do the time, just like beating some ones ass is a year in jail but you do 3 days and get back out and you dont pay shit, the way it sounds is you can grow 100 plants and its simple possession, but they work around that and his you ass up, they look at it as if you was just growing to smoke it why do you need 5 or 6 plants, Im not cool with growing 5 kuz they may be dicks and hit me in the mouth
What do u crop like a quarter from each plant?


Well-Known Member
What do u crop like a quarter from each plant?
little over 35 usually some times i get moor but thats way less then a small regular plant, they way the hole plant wet and base it off that but no mader what 4 plants will not get you put in jail around here they know when some 1 is trying to sale it they cant take 4 plants to trial and say i was trying to sale, you can have 3 oz as long as it is in the same bag with rolling papers or a pipe they can say you selling hell you can have 5, unless yor id says you are from Ohio or any other state then its trafficking, thats why 4 or 5 plants are not considered nothing but simple simple possession.. now a couple years back it did not matter now many plants you had you was going to prison then they changed it do to all the cash they was wasting on the plant, and starting going after pills


Active Member
I remember when I was a teenager that we would score our weed from the neighborhood cop's fiance. Then ran into one of the local cops at an after work party and he was on the couch smoking up with one of my co-workers.
I am glad I am legal here, even though I don't smoke.
Cops always had the best weed when I was a youngster!


Well-Known Member
What do u crop like a quarter from each plant?
serch pill captle
I remember when I was a teenager that we would score our weed from the neighborhood cop's fiance. Then ran into one of the local cops at an after work party and he was on the couch smoking up with one of my co-workers.
I am glad I am legal here, even though I don't smoke.
Cops always had the best weed when I was a youngster!
yes my uncle use to sell to a cop I was like are you fucking stupid man he said he had so much shit on him there was no way that cop would tell on him, I was like this is so cool I'm smoking with a cop

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I just can't stand it any more!
The title say's it all!!!!
For gods sake, as long as you have him there. Don't use lube and fuck him hard for all of us!!


Well-Known Member
Nice..hit it..that'll get on dad's good side..
yea not when he sees all my prison tattoos not counting the tattoos on my face, she was checking me out when i was cutting grass to day, I turn around and she would look away like i did not see her, my gf kill me any way lol


Well-Known Member
yea not when he sees all my prison tattoos not counting the tattoos on my face, she was checking me out when i was cutting grass to day, I turn around and she would look away like i did not see her, my gf kill me any way lol
she was probably judging the tattoos on your face.