CO2 During Flowering


Active Member
If I can only do one which is better during flowering? C02 during light period, or during dark period? Any Advice will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I was going to ask a similar question..

CO2 during the day (yes.) but what about using CO2 thru harvest?

I read somewher (can't find it now) that one should discontinue CO2 somewhere b4 harvest. Saying thaqt the co2 contributes to lesser taste.


Well-Known Member
4magio, ive never heard that before. The c02 will actually keep metabolic activity at an increased state during the last week of flower(which is usually a flush) which in turn will kick out more of those stuborn nuts your trying to get rid off for better taste. just my 2cents


Well-Known Member
4magio, ive never heard that before. The c02 will actually keep metabolic activity at an increased state during the last week of flower(which is usually a flush) which in turn will kick out more of those stuborn nuts your trying to get rid off for better taste. just my 2cents
High nathen.. I can't rember where I read it but it did stick in my head.

I grow hydro and do not flush, taste has been exceptional..

Anyone else have an opinion :mrgreen:(watch this! no one has an opinion here! LOL!!!))