Transplant/hot pots?


When should I transplant my babies there 4 cirtical hog
There about a week and 1/2 old what size

Also I noticed my solo cups get pretty hot since they get about 9 hours of direct sunlight a day would hot cup stress root growth thanks



Well-Known Member
put em in 2 gallon pots 45 days put em in a 12x20 foot planter box filled with potting soil about 2 feet deep.


Well-Known Member
put the cups in a pot with dirt around them to better insulate from the sun and cold nights until they are big enough to transplant.


Well-Known Member
put the cups in a pot with dirt around them to better insulate from the sun and cold nights until they are big enough to transplant.
Good advise there, quick note when you do transplant, bury it up to the bottom of the lower set of leaves! be careful with the young leaves but get that soil as close as possible, 1 week later it will be up by an inch, so no worries!


Well-Known Member
If you have one use a point at red dot thermometer it will give you the temp of what ever the red dot hits, I got one to read pavement temps and then I also use it to see whats what at any time I need to just by pointing, FYI 250 degrees roughly on a bare bulb 600 watt, thing kept jumping around, but I got the idea. I figured out the Opti Red Bulb washed the red dot out.