autoflower cream caramel


Well-Known Member
hello I'm new here I've started a grow cream caramel in soil in 30cm pots the soil is multi purpose compost with added john Innes there 3 and half weeks old now and still small in my eyes I started with 36 w florescent 4 foot tube now I've moved to my pvc greenhouse I've not give them any nutes what so ever I've got oldtimer grow and bloom


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I don't grow autos indoors, but I'm pretty sure you need a lot more light. That looks more like a 3 to 4 day old plant. And it appears to be stretching. Maybe it will do better now that it's outside.
thanks for your reply do you think I should just start over with like a 300 w cfl I cant really afford mh or HIDs and the weather here is not that good atm so not sure
Sure, I'd start over with another seed. 300 watts should work. If you have the room, no harm in keeping the runt and see how it turns out.
ok thanks again and the runt hasn't seem to grown anymore what so ever I'm going to keep it see what happens
ok thanks again and the runt hasn't seem to grown anymore what so ever I'm going to keep it see what happens

Interested to hear how you're getting on. I do have a 300W dual cfl and also a 200W pure blue envirolite and tbh my first auto grow has been a disaster so far after having good results with non autos. Slow growth with my autos came from me overwatering and totally stunted them... Like yours after 3 weeks they were tiny... Once
I identified the problem and backed off with the watering they started growing better however, too little too late as they have started flowering and are way too small to get any decent yield. Have now just planted another seedling so hoping I've learnt my lesson and will do better with the new one. Unfortunately 4 of mine are disappointingly small.

If CFLS are all you can work with for your autos , you can still get it to grow well with a little work. Get some clamp lights or adjustable lamp to " concentrate " between 2-4" from plant. Put at least an equiv. ( 150 or better watt ) over her. Let the seeding begin to root better .

I built this " starter " chamber ( from a 32 gallon tote ) and 5000k ( with 2 150 watt cfl ) mount on a Y Splitter and reflector. I use this setup to begin plant up to week 4 before sending under LED TENT. I built this with Flouro Side Lighting to add more light. Just let her get the light energy she really needs.
