Well-Known Member
SDS - I represent the Zelion HL fixtures. I'd be happy to publicly answer any questions you might have on the specifications of the Zelion HL fixtures. Mr. PSUAGRO will likely answer grower related inquiries as well as he is the horticultural expert dealing with these panels at the moment. Interesting things to come........
Questions first ....
1 ) Retail prices ?
2 ) Passively cooled ? Ok ...At what current the Oslons are being drived ?
3 ) Which drivers are being used ?
4 )What kind is the screen in front of diodes ? ( PMMA ? Gorilla glass ? plain optic glass ? polycarbonate ? other ? )
5 ) When -approximately - we should expect the new models ,featuring the 451 nm / 660 nm / 730 nm "combo" ,
hitting the market ?
Keep in mind ,please ,that i do NOT like R+B monochromatic diode LED grow lights.
They are made and intended for other uses ,than as a sole light source for Cannabis Sativa L. species .
There are always "exceptions " to the rule ...
Some that I just adore ...
For me and my humble point of view ,I would like to have and be a proud owner of two of these type
of solid state lights ...(R+B monochromatics )
One would be the Han's panel's and the second is the ZELION HL .
( AREA51 is also on my "top-5" wish list ,but those lights belong to another "league" ..the W+R one ...
For the moment being I'm a proud owner of of my own built lights ..)
Zelion HL ?
Great lights ,top-quality ,worth to have and own .
Best "teammate" for white 4000-3000 °K COBs .
Period .-