Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for dropping in, and good luck with your grow! If you start or have a grow journal please can you send me a link? Be intresting to see another lowryder grow :D

Your lowryder looks good.

Much better than mine, I've made too many mistakes - used LEDs, overfertilized, underfertilized, used wrong soil. Learning. Hopefully back on track now.

Good luck!

mr west

Well-Known Member
looks like you got a boy and a girl from here but i could be wrong. my males showed at 3 weeks the girls at bout 4. Im just going on hight in first pic lol.


Well-Known Member
Can you go by the hight? lol. They have that many leaves now it's really hard to see the stalk at all is there any other way i can tell what sex they are maybe?

looks like you got a boy and a girl from here but i could be wrong. my males showed at 3 weeks the girls at bout 4. Im just going on hight in first pic lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
well boys grow faster than girls normaly, taller and leggyer. The girls tend to stay shorter and more bushylike. I could be wrong , it was just a guess.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the opinion was thinking the same thing, but wasn't sure how acurate going by that was, guess i'll just have to wait lol.

well boys grow faster than girls normaly, taller and leggyer. The girls tend to stay shorter and more bushylike. I could be wrong , it was just a guess.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i think tonight i'm going to change my lights to 18/6 from 24/7, what do people think? Is that going to be to stressful for them?


Well-Known Member
I hope so, hoping it doesn't turn them male though by stressing them out! I'm hoping if i change the light shedule they will show what sex they are sooner, fingers crossed. The tallest of the two plants does have 2 white hairs coming off it right at the top, but know where else. Dam camrea isn't good enough to take a pic though.

Think i'm going to have lights off from 12 till 6am, should really check my timer is still working lol.

I was wondering is it possible there taking so long to sure what sex they are becuase i havn't used any nutes yet? Just a thought that's all. Maybe i'm just inpaitent lol.

they will be fine, they prob will grow more now.
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mr west

Well-Known Member
I hope so, hoping it doesn't turn them male though by stressing them out! I'm hoping if i change the light shedule they will show what sex they are sooner, fingers crossed. The tallest of the two plants does have 2 white hairs coming off it right at the top, but know where else. Dam camrea isn't good enough to take a pic though.

Think i'm going to have lights off from 12 till 6am, should really check my timer is still working lol.

I was wondering is it possible there taking so long to sure what sex they are becuase i havn't used any nutes yet? Just a thought that's all. Maybe i'm just inpaitent lol.
that will prob be the same as wot happend to me, the tallest grew wot at first looked like hairz on the top but it was a male there was balls in the armpits lol. I was jumpin up and down thinkin i had 4 girls but it wasnt to be.


Well-Known Member
Unlucky mate! Hope i get a least one girl. Next time i will deffo be going for fem seeds i think if i'm growing an autoflowering strain. Would have got fem seeds this time if they hadn't been out of stock.

that will prob be the same as wot happend to me, the tallest grew wot at first looked like hairz on the top but it was a male there was balls in the armpits lol. I was jumpin up and down thinkin i had 4 girls but it wasnt to be.

mr west

Well-Known Member
wish id kept one of the males so i could of done some seeds. never mind maybe another time lol.


Well-Known Member
Still all going ok, i still can't tell what sex they are yet. From tomorrow at 1pm i'm going to change my light sechdule to 18 hours on 6 hours off 18/6. So at 1pm my lights are going off for 6 hours. If anyone thinks i'm making a bad desion doing this or think it could course more harm than good please let me know before i change my light sechdule. Anyways as always pics below.


mr west

Well-Known Member
I dont think it will be a problem giving them some dark time and a bit of a rest for everything. I stand by my guess on sex, shame the pics arent a bit clearer. Keep it up:D


Well-Known Member
The biggest of my two plants that a couple of days ago i could just see 2 white hairs sticking out at the very top of it, but now it has 2 more! About half way down these are are really visable though and diffently look like white hairs coming out the stalk on either side quiet long too at least 1cm and i couldn't even see them yeserday. Not getting my hopes up too high yet at this stage though. What do people think? Sorry tryed yet again to take a close up pic but no luck still couldn't make it out.

mr west

Well-Known Member
sounds promising this way u might have a tall girl and a short girl lol. Its all gonna happen over the next couple of days and u will be out ur missery lol.


Well-Known Member
*sits and waits with fingers crossed then* lol. Just been to your journal we have to wait all weekend till we get to see any more pics dam! Looks like i'm in for a lot of waiting this weekend then lol.

sounds promising this way u might have a tall girl and a short girl lol. Its all gonna happen over the next couple of days and u will be out ur missery lol.


Well-Known Member
The timer i had my light on did my head in ticking so that was soon unpluged lol. Decided i'd rather turn them on and off myself than have to put up with that. So Today was my first day of my plants being 18/6. Due to me having to turn them on and off by hand i had to change when they went off. So lights are off from 6pm till 12pm. Have no idea how they are cos i ovisously i havn't checked them yet since there still in the dark. Took some pics just before i switched the lights off though. The last pic is of the bigest plants stalk where the white hairs are you can't really pick them out though.
