my bad to the attitude.

v.s one

Well-Known Member
A couple a months ago I received an order from the attitude. i got my order from them with no problems but my beans were not in their breeder packs. I ordered a pack of ten and got 13. This was great but with their CC Problems, why would they give me more beans unless they were switching out beans to recoup from losses or the original breeder lost count, I don't know??So I raised a stink on here about it. Well I have grew a couple out and they are matching all descriptions. With that said I'm correcting my quote about this bank. Peace!

I still don't trust nobody.
A couple a months ago I received an order from the attitude. i got my order from them with no problems but my beans were not in their breeder packs. I ordered a pack of ten and got 13. This was great but with their CC Problems, why would they give me more beans unless they were switching out beans to recoup from losses or the original breeder lost count, I don't know??So I raised a stink on here about it. Well I have grew a couple out and they are matching all descriptions. With that said I'm correcting my quote about this bank. Peace!

I still don't trust nobody.
Attitude has gone down hill for real. I recently sent them cash and couldn't get the stupid print out order form to work, it just kept taking back to the home page, so I made a phone order so it would create the order. I used the rollitup code so I got 10% off and since I sent in cash I took the other 15% off the price. Well they sent me a email saying I didn't send them enough money and so would not ship with guaranteed shipping which cost $13. The 10% discount code that they wouldn't let me use would have only been $7.70, so as it turns out Attitude now comes out $6.30 ahead. I know they aren't going to throw in any extra beans to cover that 6.30.

All I know is seedsman let me used both a promo and the 10% off for cash no problems.
Attitude has gone down hill for real. I recently sent them cash and couldn't get the stupid print out order form to work, it just kept taking back to the home page, so I made a phone order so it would create the order. I used the rollitup code so I got 10% off and since I sent in cash I took the other 15% off the price. Well they sent me a email saying I didn't send them enough money and so would not ship with guaranteed shipping which cost $13. The 10% discount code that they wouldn't let me use would have only been $7.70, so as it turns out Attitude now comes out $6.30 ahead. I know they aren't going to throw in any extra beans to cover that 6.30.

All I know is seedsman let me used both a promo and the 10% off for cash no problems.

i'm not sure, but i don't think you can combine promo's..
promo's as in %'s off of sales, not buy this brand and get this brand for free or w/e.. that is all..
Yeah and I dont think the 420 discount applies unless you order more than 100 dollars, which it seems you didn't. Because I have tried to use it when looking at a single pack but it did not work, but always has otherwise. So maybe thats part of the problem, wouldnt know though since my prders to them are usually more than a bill.
Attitude has gone down hill for real. I recently sent them cash and couldn't get the stupid print out order form to work, it just kept taking back to the home page, so I made a phone order so it would create the order. I used the rollitup code so I got 10% off and since I sent in cash I took the other 15% off the price. Well they sent me a email saying I didn't send them enough money and so would not ship with guaranteed shipping which cost $13. The 10% discount code that they wouldn't let me use would have only been $7.70, so as it turns out Attitude now comes out $6.30 ahead. I know they aren't going to throw in any extra beans to cover that 6.30.

All I know is seedsman let me used both a promo and the 10% off for cash no problems.
I tried cannazon costums snagged my order.they said they were going to reship my order. I never got nothing so I m back to square 1.
Attitude has been like that for as long as I can remember. I used to order there all the time until they had problems with the credit cards, now I tend to stick with seed companies based in the U.S. But sometime soon I am going to have to place an order to one to get some more beans from Female Seeds and HSO. I have never known them to combine discount codes. It does suck, because if you can get a 10% discount all the time by using the code "rollitup" or "420" then the 15% off discount for cash doesn't seem too appealing. They really should combine them for all the trouble it is.

I may try using their sister sight. The choice seedbank. I am pretty sure they accept credit cards. If they don't then I think I will try cannazon or midweek song.
Attitude has been like that for as long as I can remember. I used to order there all the time until they had problems with the credit cards, now I tend to stick with seed companies based in the U.S. But sometime soon I am going to have to place an order to one to get some more beans from Female Seeds and HSO. I have never known them to combine discount codes. It does suck, because if you can get a 10% discount all the time by using the code "rollitup" or "420" then the 15% off discount for cash doesn't seem too appealing. They really should combine them for all the trouble it is.

I may try using their sister sight. The choice seedbank. I am pretty sure they accept credit cards. If they don't then I think I will try cannazon or midweek song.
I got the idea because Althor mentioned he combined the 10% with the cash 15% discount and they honored it for him. All I know is attitude ended up ripping me off $3.76 after I did the math. To me it would make better business sense to just honor the two discounts but then tell me that it will not fly next time. For $7.24 they lost my business for good. Also, I tried my visa card first and it wouldn't accept it so I'll continue to avoid attitude. This was my first order from them in 3-4 years because I lost faith in them, now they are dead to me.
To me it would make better business sense to just honor the two discounts but then tell me that it will not fly next time. For $7.24 they lost my business for good. Also, I tried my visa card first and it wouldn't accept it so I'll continue to avoid attitude. This was my first order from them in 3-4 years because I lost faith in them, now they are dead to me.

Hahahaha you are too funny bro.. You're going to want to buy beans from them waaayyy before they miss your penny pinchin ass.. "then tell me that it will not fly next time".. lol I need some of what you smoke.. You really are good for a laugh though champ!
Hahahaha you are too funny bro.. You're going to want to buy beans from them waaayyy before they miss your penny pinchin ass.. "then tell me that it will not fly next time".. lol I need some of what you smoke.. You really are good for a laugh though champ!
I'm glad I'm on your mind so much bro, but I don't date dudes. I hate to play the bitch here but I'm pulling a hamish.
Either way they shouldn't offer multiple discounts at one time if they aren't going to honor them. I don't care either way because I won't be using attitude any longer but I don't think it is fair to call someone a bitch about saving a few bucks. You can get the beans from the states for a lower price AND no need for extra shipping charges.
Either way they shouldn't offer multiple discounts at one time if they aren't going to honor them. I don't care either way because I won't be using attitude any longer but I don't think it is fair to call someone a bitch about saving a few bucks. You can get the beans from the states for a lower price AND no need for extra shipping charges.
He is just mad I won't continue the pissing match over my comment about bodhi. I mean my first original comment that pissed hamish off, which in turned caused the tens of comments that followed, was I thought it plausible that bodhi was a corporately created company. Honestly I was just being stupid trying to have some fun conversation and what got me thinking that way was this thread:

I don't really think that is who bodhi is but it is fun to speculate things, hell me and my friends have spent hours talking about whether big foot could be real or not. Sad thing is people just want to argue. It reminds me of that river of slime from Ghostbusters, the more you hate the stronger it grows. I like good old fashion rebel rousing but I don't like just attacking each other. It's cool to bust some chops but like you said trying to insult me because I'm not cool with sending shady businesses free money is just childish.

Besides I went to dudes grow journal and was going to give him props but as soon as someone chimed in with something he didn't like he instantly started insulting dude. Not the type of person who I care to even consider, honestly.
Love the Ghostbusters!!! :P Hahahahaha yeah I am all about friendly banter but a lot of these people take things out of proportion and then start getting all hateful. You can tell I have plenty of followers now adays.

Some people deserve to get dicked around because they dick around the other members but many people are here to share their experience and learn not play in drama land. But I STILL WON"T ORDER FROM THE TUDE NO MO :P lol.
He is just mad I won't continue the pissing match over my comment about bodhi. I mean my first original comment that pissed hamish off, which in turned caused the tens of comments that followed, was I thought it plausible that bodhi was a corporately created company. Honestly I was just being stupid trying to have some fun conversation and what got me thinking that way was this thread:

I don't really think that is who bodhi is but it is fun to speculate things, hell me and my friends have spent hours talking about whether big foot could be real or not. Sad thing is people just want to argue. It reminds me of that river of slime from Ghostbusters, the more you hate the stronger it grows. I like good old fashion rebel rousing but I don't like just attacking each other. It's cool to bust some chops but like you said trying to insult me because I'm not cool with sending shady businesses free money is just childish.

Besides I went to dudes grow journal and was going to give him props but as soon as someone chimed in with something he didn't like he instantly started insulting dude. Not the type of person who I care to even consider, honestly.


U r a clown, this is a small site and you happen to say a lot of things that make me laugh.. I click on a new thread and you happen to be the same idiot saying stupid things.. Clown, keep clowning..
Sucks to hear your beans got snagged from Cannazon I ordered from them once and it was the best stealth I've seen. Very surprised to hear you haven't got anything back as the person who runs it is really cool and good with customer service so I woul try emailing him back. Misweeksong is great. I didn't get guaranteed shipping with them and it came with nice stealth for basic shipping. Will use both again but it's been three years since I've used Attitude but I'm gonna bite the bullet and order some Crockett Family Farm seeds soon as they only have them so ill let you know how that experience goes with them
all my orders from the tude have been good.
my order b4 last, 3 seeds were small and pail, i told them in an email and said i didnt expect ne thing from them i just wanted to report the problem since i will be ordering more 818's.
when i ordered the 818 fems they replaced the bad 818 regs and threw a gscookie.
Sucks to hear your beans got snagged from Cannazon I ordered from them once and it was the best stealth I've seen. Very surprised to hear you haven't got anything back as the person who runs it is really cool and good with customer service so I woul try emailing him back. Misweeksong is great. I didn't get guaranteed shipping with them and it came with nice stealth for basic shipping. Will use both again but it's been three years since I've used Attitude but I'm gonna bite the bullet and order some Crockett Family Farm seeds soon as they only have them so ill let you know how that experience goes with them
Yeah that was my diagreement with them they said it was stealth but it got snagged. It's been two months so I don't expect nothing. Just sad because it was archive seeds so I know I lost some fire. Let me know how it goes with the tude.