The Dons' Organic Garden

On to non-fading specimens, here is our unknown baby fs in her Heisenberg pot, nothing but a modified 2 gallon Walmart adaptation housing a newer living soil. Topped just once, she will be finished any day with not one spot of yellow on her..bad ass


This ones just too vibrant to fade. And get this, she smells like raw hotdogs and gasoline.. Who the F are her parents!? AOS / UK BK / gravy Train.. Only time can hope to tell.. Lol..
Do enjoy!!
Good evening our 420 friends,

Just came from a quick photo shoot with the little mystery cross..
Damn she's a bit of a looker for an unbabied, topped once specimen that got her light above right her turned off for much of her life.

She was under the china panel the hottest light we got and it was the first to turn off during hot times.

Turned out surprisingly frosty and decently chunky too, for such a small pot.


Here's a nugget from a bottom node that's coated like Julia Roberts in 1999, too crystally for scissors and grinders this ones gonna hurt to cut..RazorRamon will be her name till I figure her genealogy out, lol.

-Tesla & the Dons
cool man nice might try that. Do you mean like just doing a rough trim ?? Leaving all the sugar leaves on ?? Do you then trim them once its all cured up. I normally like adding them to smoking mixes or cooking them into coconut oil bad kitty smiles style. Guess if i leave them on the bud they will get ground up and used anyway in the end. And if it improves flavour and smoke its a win win! Thanks for the heads up don tesla and radikal dank :)

You guys have fun on 420 ?? I made sure i was medicated most of the day. Luckily i had a day at home so good times. Medicated diy :) prob was on the 21st i just wanted to continue lol.... :peace::leaf:

yea man made a decent ball of shatter a few days prior and all my crosses have been cured and so it was pretty epic lmfao!!! and what I do is cut all fan leafs when harvested then I hang dry on line still attatched with stalk and wait till the outside gets that crisp. then I cut them down to size still on stalk though and throw into a paper bag for a few more days then I trim them up and I do the same thing is make cocnut oil and I usually do like 1 1/2 jar coconut oil to about five jars of shredded up trim and before its cooked I throw in the coconut oil and the trim in my ninja pro blender and pulse it for a good few minutres then poour into crock pot and cook on medium and high and reperat for 30 hours. my sister ate a smorews bar on her way to Arizona and she passed out in o'hares airport in Illinois for about four hours lmfao!
yea man made a decent ball of shatter a few days prior and all my crosses have been cured and so it was pretty epic lmfao!!! and what I do is cut all fan leafs when harvested then I hang dry on line still attatched with stalk and wait till the outside gets that crisp. then I cut them down to size still on stalk though and throw into a paper bag for a few more days then I trim them up and I do the same thing is make cocnut oil and I usually do like 1 1/2 jar coconut oil to about five jars of shredded up trim and before its cooked I throw in the coconut oil and the trim in my ninja pro blender and pulse it for a good few minutres then poour into crock pot and cook on medium and high and reperat for 30 hours. my sister ate a smorews bar on her way to Arizona and she passed out in o'hares airport in Illinois for about four hours lmfao!
Hahahahaha 4 hours in an airport, that's boss
dude no joke she missed three flights lmfao!!!! was epic

Oil/edibles are no joke. Our bodies metabolize cannabinoids way differently when eating it. I'm not proud of this in any way, but I've had three different people go to the ER after eating one of my chocolates thinking they were having a stroke. The very clear instructions to only eat half of one are ignored after they don't feel any buzz for a half hour or so, so they eat the rest. SMH. :|
Oil/edibles are no joke. Our bodies metabolize cannabinoids way differently when eating it. I'm not proud of this in any way, but I've had three different people go to the ER after eating one of my chocolates thinking they were having a stroke. The very clear instructions to only eat half of one are ignored after they don't feel any buzz for a half hour or so, so they eat the rest. SMH. :|
Hahaha wow ER, that's serious..I guess now they know that Stow know, though, lol.. Keeper bite size sista's, and Bredgrens..especially when messing with a 5:1 cat
Dear Journal,
the Original DP blend,
Rasta blend (blood and bone meal free)
and Vamp blends (w/ zeo)
have all been recycled,
and sifted to remove wood chips and larger debris,
and mixed to form a nice 2014 super blend we gonna the Stallion Blend ...
and thats going head to head in a no till sideXside..
its opponent:
the 1st mix of 2015, which we are gonna call the

-Ocean Farma Blend-
The (slightly tweaked, larger) 85L Base :
27% Coconut Coir (23Litres)
27% Perlite (23L)
**27% Poop Mix (23L=13L EWC + 10L OCManure)**
20% Humus Black Earth (16L)

+The ~1L Meal Mix:

Alfalfa Meal, 1 Cup
Neem Meal, 1 C
Kelp Meal, 1 C
**Fish Bone Meal, 3/4 C** (new)

+The 2L Rock Mix:
Greensand, 1Cup
Rock Phosphate, 1C
**Bio Char, 2C** (new)
**DE Rocks, 2C** (new)
Crushed Eggshells, 2C

+The 2L Fungi Food Mix:
Rice, 4 Cups or 1 per week
Oats, 2 Cups
Myco F, 2 Cups, post mellow

=90L OLSS (Organic Living Super Soil)

This Ocean Farma blend then has no zeolite, no steamed bone meal, no blood meal, (and no glacial rock dust yet), but does have the new amount (15%) local/diy ewc, plus bio char, de rocks, organic cattle manure and fish bone meal intro'd.. Should be a lil cleaner, cooler mix and even cooler end-burn too.

Ya mon,
Exciting experiment, can't wait to,try some finished product.
Fish bone meal is strong smelling though, gad damn.
There are no words to describe its potency other than run. Hahaha
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This Little KK tester nug gots hecka gluey trichs right superfilled with lemony-floral coffee and piney Kush fuel undertones.. In awe at her smell, man, big time. a prize in a box of kids cereal in 1990, I could throw her at the fridge and she'd probably stick

and get this..
That AOS/BK-looking indica with wide pretty, leaves, 4 little mains, ..
it Smells like gravy after all, im blown away, which is what I thought .. I swore to god her bean came from a jar during a bowl of gravy a few months ago. So this Jarseed was pollinated by Ch Bk?! Does this gravy have a life and star of its own.. A fuckin constellation dedicated to her progressiveness? Like wth, it is insane it's following me and evolving by itself, it seems, lol
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Introducing the new no-till bed on wheels and the first glimpse of the Stallion Blend in action ..image.jpg

Home now to 7 flowering strains-or 8 including the two types of Kosher on deck.. with our Gravy Train, Super Silver Skunk, Green (anis) Spirit, and more, this bed is a crazy potent organic orgy..
Jack Cleaner, the 88 Sativa, and SLCh round out the line up, so a memory Sativa, a clean productive one, and a quick-ass heavy hitter..some real 2nd and 3rd gen beauts to play with ..


Gonna squeeze in a fifteenth one in the top left yet..
They took the transplant crazy well..
Lets see how it fills in now .. Custom Aligning lights as we speak..
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View attachment 3412199
This Little KK tester nug gots hecka gluey trichs right superfilled with lemony-floral coffee and piney Kush fuel undertones.. In awe at her smell, man, big time. a prize in a box of kids cereal in 1990, I could throw her at the fridge and she'd probably stick

View attachment 3412201
and get this..
That AOS/BK-looking indica with wide pretty, leaves, 4 little mains, ..
it Smells like gravy after all, im blown away, which is what I thought .. I swore to god her bean came from a jar during a bowl of gravy a few months ago. So this Jarseed was pollinated by Ch Bk?! Does this gravy have a life and star of its own.. A fuckin constellation dedicated to her progressiveness? Like wth, it is insane it's following me and evolving by itself, it seems, lol
Introducing the new no-till bed on wheels and the first glimpse of the Stallion Blend in action ..View attachment 3412988

Home now to 7 flowering strains-or 8 including the two types of Kosher on deck.. with our Gravy Train, Super Silver Skunk, Green (anis) Spirit, and more, this bed is a crazy potent organic orgy..
Jack Cleaner, the 88 Sativa, and SLCh round out the line up, so a memory Sativa, a clean productive one, and a quick-ass heavy hitter..some real 2nd and 3rd gen beauts to play with ..

View attachment 3412989

View attachment 3412990
Gonna squeeze in a fifteenth one in the top left yet..
They took the transplant crazy well..
Lets see how it fills in now .. Custom Aligning lights as we speak..
Looking amazing as always, DT! Those nugs look great! That bed will be interesting indeed.
Thanks, bro! The Kk is so sticky, wow, you gotta see her.

What do you think of the new soil blend, tho, i was low on humus dirt and added extra everything else, accidentally, for the base. Pail was bit bigger than it said.
It's 15% Ewc and 10% OCM btw, your cow poop..if you didn't catch that.

Then I theorized my best options with what I could source.. Still haven't added the bio char or oats, half the DE, or eggshells. The Welcome.Harv. FBM was pretty high in calcium so..
Dear Journal,
the Original DP blend,
Rasta blend (blood and bone meal free)
and Vamp blends (w/ zeo)
have all been recycled,
and sifted to remove wood chips and larger debris,
and mixed to form a nice 2014 super blend we gonna the Stallion Blend ...
and thats going head to head in a no till sideXside..
its opponent:
the 1st mix of 2015, which we are gonna call the

-Ocean Farma Blend-
The (slightly tweaked, larger) 85L Base :
27% Coconut Coir (23Litres)
27% Perlite (23L)
**27% Poop Mix (23L=13L EWC + 10L OCManure)**
20% Humus Black Earth (16L)

+The ~1L Meal Mix:

Alfalfa Meal, 1 Cup
Neem Meal, 1 C
Kelp Meal, 1 C
**Fish Bone Meal, 3/4 C** (new)

+The 2L Rock Mix:
Greensand, 1Cup
Rock Phosphate, 1C
**Bio Char, 2C** (new)
**DE Rocks, 2C** (new)
Crushed Eggshells, 2C

+The 2L Fungi Food Mix:
Rice, 4 Cups or 1 per week
Oats, 2 Cups
Myco F, 2 Cups, post mellow

=90L OLSS (Organic Living Super Soil)

This Ocean Farma blend then has no zeolite, no steamed bone meal, no blood meal, (and no glacial rock dust yet), but does have the new amount (15%) local/diy ewc, plus bio char, de rocks, organic cattle manure and fish bone meal intro'd.. Should be a lil cleaner, cooler mix and even cooler end-burn too.

Ya mon,
Exciting experiment, can't wait to,try some finished product.
Fish bone meal is strong smelling though, gad damn.
There are no words to describe its potency other than run. Hahaha
Dear Journal,
the Original DP blend,
Rasta blend (blood and bone meal free)
and Vamp blends (w/ zeo)
have all been recycled,
and sifted to remove wood chips and larger debris,
and mixed to form a nice 2014 super blend we gonna the Stallion Blend ...
and thats going head to head in a no till sideXside..
its opponent:
the 1st mix of 2015, which we are gonna call the

-Ocean Farma Blend-
The (slightly tweaked, larger) 85L Base :
27% Coconut Coir (23Litres)
27% Perlite (23L)
**27% Poop Mix (23L=13L EWC + 10L OCManure)**
20% Humus Black Earth (16L)

+The ~1L Meal Mix:

Alfalfa Meal, 1 Cup
Neem Meal, 1 C
Kelp Meal, 1 C
**Fish Bone Meal, 3/4 C** (new)

+The 2L Rock Mix:
Greensand, 1Cup
Rock Phosphate, 1C
**Bio Char, 2C** (new)
**DE Rocks, 2C** (new)
Crushed Eggshells, 2C

+The 2L Fungi Food Mix:
Rice, 4 Cups or 1 per week
Oats, 2 Cups
Myco F, 2 Cups, post mellow

=90L OLSS (Organic Living Super Soil)

This Ocean Farma blend then has no zeolite, no steamed bone meal, no blood meal, (and no glacial rock dust yet), but does have the new amount (15%) local/diy ewc, plus bio char, de rocks, organic cattle manure and fish bone meal intro'd.. Should be a lil cleaner, cooler mix and even cooler end-burn too.

Ya mon,
Exciting experiment, can't wait to,try some finished product.
Fish bone meal is strong smelling though, gad damn.
There are no words to describe its potency other than run. Hahaha

spuid is an awesome nutrient supplement should give it a try rather then fish, but I use it in bloom cause it has higher phos then nitro and potas. the end product was varey smooth and clean. also recent update my fire og backcross x landrace afghan kush fem. end product was extremely spicy like tickled my nose and made me sneeze spicy but amazing energetic buzzzz and creeped up on you hard when you sit down.
im going to try youre recipie but im going to not use any humus and just use 40% coco 30% perilite and 37% compost (ecoscraps+vermiworm) everytrhing else is a go though! I just like coco alott and don't mind implementing moire cal-mag lol
Too late now, for this batch..The Ocean Farma takes off in a week or two.. Good to have an organic fish fert that's liquid in the future, though..
As for that Fire OG Afghani, sounds like a beauty, we better get to see some finished product, man!

Here's a shot of our latest fluke creation, Gravy Kush .. A darker, stickier, faster hitting, putrid cross of gravy train and a suspected bk ch F1. We been getting requests to enter a cup, she may be the drooler we put forward..her resin profile, her bowl has left me me short for words.. I'll post a macro so you guys can judge for yourself.. Lol. Do enjoy!

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Shiit son,
This black4 is beasting like a gorilla on acid.
First 3 pics are from four days ago.
Last pic (#4) is from 2 days ago, just 48 hours later.
Serious sugar showed up, it looks like a force now.



4. image.jpg
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Had to find a kitchen appliance to scale this nugget properly!image.jpg

Cured one cola early..
Had to. You can tell she was hung..bringing back the hang style
Off to the paper bag then jar for this jungle girl