Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
It is a pipe. It fell out of the guy on the lefts pocket because of the angle of the seat.

I like the way the ride operator lifts it up and waves it for a second as if someone might claim it. I think it took him a second and a half to realize where it came from. Then he looked like he might pocket it for himself, while the guy on ride felt it fall out and saw the operator pocket it like a smooth criminal. Lots happening in that short clip.

I like your version better though

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
idk what to do.
Is he already in the hospital? My best advice is spend as much time as you can. Slow deaths are the worst(my mom, cancer). I hate hospitals. I don't like to talk about it really but I will say time is the only thing that helps when he does pass.

If he isn't already bed ridden and can comprehend, drive him around the places he grew up. If not too far away. Listen and learn his memories is something I take pride in knowing about my father, we are good friends. It's rare he can bring up a story or memory I haven't heard or don't remember. He's already told me about what he wants for his funeral. Short, non religious. A party after. And has said what part of certain lake he wants ashes scattered.

Unfortunately my mother didn't have the time to even think about anything like that. Planning the funeral it sort of pissed me off I was the only one that knew the things she liked and didn't. "She never liked pinks and purples, go with the orange red and green flowers". She was a master gardener. I spoke a eulogy at her funeral.

Anyway sorry for the rant

Wish dad and you the best.


Well-Known Member
idk what to do.
I'm sorry to hear that you are going through this.
He needs assistance immediately if he is suffering that much. Is he reluctant to go to the hospital? Has he been ignoring symptoms? If it's his time then there is no reason for him to suffer like this. He would be put on painkillers but at least he wouldn't suffer then. Big hug. :hug:


Well-Known Member
I'm about to smoke a bowl of micky kush with a wax kicker and then head by a job site to grab some tools and then home depot for more tools. I love being self employed but it's a lot more work. More work=more money=more bitches, circle of life right there.

You forgot that more bitches=more work (repeat)

Or is it more bitches=less money=more work?

I think it is a vicious circle.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Wakin up to cookies. Always great.

So who yall got.. floyd or manny?
Manny mostly because he's humble and overall good guy. Mayweather posing with justin beaber pretending they are friends shortly after his roast, what a sell out. Hope he gets KO but they will probably try on purpose to stretch the fight. guess I tried to post this last night, saved draft.

Fucking bars are charging $20 a head to watch the Mayweather vs Pacquiao fight. Limey bastards I was planning on this for awhile. Never had this happen for any other fight. I give them enough business buying over priced beer. Makes me not even want to go.

I better start calling around

And you?


Well-Known Member
Manny mostly because he's humble and overall good guy. Mayweather posing with justin beaber pretending they are friends shortly after his roast, what a sell out. Hope he gets KO but they will probably try on purpose to stretch the fight. guess I tried to post this last night, saved draft.

Fucking bars are charging $20 a head to watch the Mayweather vs Pacquiao fight. Limey bastards I was planning on this for awhile. Never had this happen for any other fight. I give them enough business buying over priced beer. Makes me not even want to go.

I better start calling around

And you?
Manny all the way. i cant fuckin stand floyd. not just cus hes an arrogant showboatin beiber-lovin assclown, but hes a wack ass fighter imo. i always thought a fight was a fight. i dont think u can call urself the best fighter cus no one can catch u. i dunno, i know theres money involed and thats floyds drug of choice but damn gimme a show at some point. show me u can just go in and thug it out instead of prancin around the ring for 12 fn rounds. and on a side note half the fam is filipino so maybe theres a lil bias. but i think manny is a better fighter and i think he deserves the win. really all he has to do is try to keep floyd on the ropes and in the corners and it might be a wrap.

yea the bars are gonna charge up the ass for the fight. but i juust found out yesterday that ppv charges public venues like 4-6k to air the big fights. guess they gotta make that money back on top of raping u in general for no reason. im goin to a friends house lol. better get on that phone


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
idk what to do.
This is a job for Morphine, really! This is where it excels. Get him in for an actual dx and make SURE he has a written advanced directive. In his own hand have him write: no life support, comfort care only, then he signs it, that should keep the hounds from hell off him.

Next get a power of attorney (medical only if he won't allow you to take over finances), and you can specify the 'small' stuff medically for him then. Have him sign that. Hospitals usually have notaries around, call them and ask them. The POA must be notarized and signed, and recorded if you are taking over his finances (it will have to be recorded in every county he owns real property if you are taking care of his real estate). Get this done now. Have him sign the POA prior to Morphine (as well as the Advanced Directive).

If you need anything specific hun PM me. I am so sorry you are going through this. But that is life huh.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
How do you find time to do it all? My wife had a cockatiel that squawked and chirped and whistled and yelled every GD morning about an hour before we wanted to get up. We tried covering the cage but that didn't work. My wife would get so mad but she wouldn;t get rid of it. Finally, after about three years, she came home from work and it was gone. It took us an hour to piece things together. Apparently, while I was rescreening the window, it broke off a piece of one of the branches going through the cage and managed to kind of "pick the lock", lifting (and pushing) the latch on the cage door. Then, when I went to the bathroom, he made his escape. Smart birds.
I had a cockatiel that the hubby, when he was the boyfriend, got me. He recently passed away, old age, 28+ years :) He loved Broccoli and Turkey, Thanksgiving was his holiday :) He'd haunt the turkey roaster LOL. I miss him so. But another 'tiel would outlive me and I am worried enough about my big bird's placement and besides the lady who hand raised him died 15 years ago......

How hard was it to get him out that window once you opened the cage? By the way I would believe the stick story. My Umbrella used to open the combination lock that held his cage shut. He worked every cage mechanism until I got the lock then he figured that out too. Now we have a cage that essentially unlocks like a nuclear missile launch, two separate keys have to be turned in the locks at the same time! I shit you not.


Well-Known Member
Last thing I said to my manager after I left work was, "I'm going to go home and get high. I'll see you tomorrow."

Smoking my dealers latest grow. I saw it while it was curing last weekend. It was beautiful then, and gorgeous now. Clogs my grinder. Have to tear it up by hand first. Got a hell of a deal on it too.

I should see if I can invest with him.

I'm faded as fuck right now.