Pit bulls


Well-Known Member
Mastiff/pit cross are the best... IMO

My son wants a pit. So do I. But we have toblay concrete out back first. Otherwise our house would be muddy as all hell.

Wife don't play that. But I let my dogs have free roam of the house. And muddy paws do get kind of annoying


Well-Known Member
great advice ty. I dont leave my house much so she'll be by my side most the time. I hate crating dogs up for long periods. I hear she likes car rides so Im eager for a shopping buddy. My other dog gets motion sickness, pukes 5 min in the car lol. But yeah, I had a dog or 2 chew shit to bits bc they get bored I know;)
So since shes a clean slate pretty much, how do you guys think I should do the punishment? wad of paper? time out in crate...pointers anyone whats best for this type dog?
Don't use the crate for punishment. Makes them unwilling to go in.I find (loudly) telling them they are a "bad dog" is plenty.