How to hide my pot smoking from my parents?


Well-Known Member
Someone lives on your dime, they live by your rules imo. You wouldn't crash at a friends house and then piss in the sink because you want to. The advice you two are trying to give leads to one result - conflict. It would also make her look like a rebellious child. I don't think that's what shes going for ;)


Well-Known Member
Someone lives on your dime, they live by your rules imo. You wouldn't crash at a friends house and then piss in the sink because you want to. The advice you two are trying to give leads to one result - conflict. It would also make her look like a rebellious child. I don't think that's what shes going for ;)
Not what I was getting at. She's smoking pot, I wouldn't do it in their house, and didn't in mine, but I'll be damned if mommy tells me what I can do and cannot do outside of their house when I'm 21! She's not a teenager, you lose that privilege damn fast once a child becomes an adult. Even if your friend was living with you, would you tell him what to wear, or what to eat, or what to smoke? No, you'd get a punch in the mouth for being a nosy piece of shit. I'm not saying to spit in their face's and say "fuck you mom! Fuck you dad!" no I'm saying stand up for yourself, it's your life now not theirs. If you're old enough to move out and handle it, as it sounds like you are, then live the way you want, in a respectful manner, if they can't handle - easy - get your own place.


Well-Known Member
A child is not an adult until they are on their own ;) and if someone living with someone else tried anything like that, I bet they find themselves out of the house pretty quick haha. I agree with you on the moving out part. If you are old enough and have the means, sure, move out on your own and do as you will. I still say all the rest of the advice you are giving is disrespectful. Its not your home, you dont make the rules.

*edit* A child isnt an adult until they are caring for themselves is a better way to put that. Pretty sure being self sufficient is a requirement for being an adult.


Well-Known Member
Well I payed rent to live at home, so IMO, if I was paying then I'm doing whatever the fuck I want, outside of the house. Again, I'm not saying to disrespect the rules of the house, or your parents, but that's all they are, rules for the confines of the house. Nothing more. Period. You don't have the right to be a fascist piece of shit and dictate what another human being can do with their lives irregardless of who you are or what you do for that individual. You take care of your child because you love them and it's your duty to do so, this doesn't magically bestow the power of dictatorship over this individual for the rest of their lives. If you dictate what your grown children do in their own time outside of your house then I'm sorry but that's not right.


Well-Known Member
Meh, not here to argue. If you're paying rent and taking care of your bills and expenses then sure. Do what you want.

If you're under the care of someone else, be respectful. You dont spit in that persons face. Fact of life. Anyhow, sorry for hijacking shortly OP - I wish you goodluck, hopefully a talk with your parents will swing them to your side :) if not, I hope you're able to find a solution!


Well-Known Member
Meh, not here to argue. If you're paying rent and taking care of your bills and expenses then sure. Do what you want.

If you're under the care of someone else, be respectful. You dont spit in that persons face. Fact of life. Anyhow, sorry for hijacking shortly OP - I wish you goodluck, hopefully a talk with your parents will swing them to your side :) if not, I hope you're able to find a solution!
That's what I was saying. I agree.
You're a grown ass woman. Stop acting like a little kid. If your parents don't like it, tough shit and if they threaten to kick you out or cut you off from financial support tell them you'll become a stripper or start dating some creep they hate. They need to open their closed minds, not you conform to their biased ideologies. That's just my two cents though.
I'm sorry this is just not realistic. I feel i'm acting more like an adult than you. What you just described i do is something i would expect out of an angsty 15 year old "fuck you mom and dad. pu$$y. money. weed. ball is life!!!!" I'm mature enough to realize that as a young adult, i still need the support of my parents in order to focus fully on my studies. I'm also mature enough to realize as a young adult with anxiety and depression, i do not feel comfortable taking man made substances that alter my brain permanently. I have found a natural alternative and i'm happy! And i need to do what is best for me. I do plan on telling my parents but not for a while as i need to direct my attention to other things at the moment and can't deal with the added stress. I didn't come here to ask for a life advisor so please stop with the unsolicited advice. I literally just asked for the best way to smoke given my circumstances.
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Meh, not here to argue. If you're paying rent and taking care of your bills and expenses then sure. Do what you want.

If you're under the care of someone else, be respectful. You dont spit in that persons face. Fact of life. Anyhow, sorry for hijacking shortly OP - I wish you goodluck, hopefully a talk with your parents will swing them to your side :) if not, I hope you're able to find a solution!

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Magic Flight Launch Box was mentioned. Worth the money. If you're buying weed, you can afford the proper gear. Great instant high even for those of us with high tolerance. Nearly zero odor. Best of luck, SS.
Magic Flight Launch Box was mentioned. Worth the money. If you're buying weed, you can afford the proper gear. Great instant high even for those of us with high tolerance. Nearly zero odor. Best of luck, SS.
Oh man thats some coin for a broke college kid but i'll probably save up!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry this is just not realistic. I feel i'm acting more like an adult than you. What you just described i do is something i would expect out of an angsty 15 year old "fuck you mom and dad. pu$$y. money. weed. ball is life!!!!" I'm mature enough to realize that as a young adult, i still need the support of my parents in order to focus fully on my studies. I'm also mature enough to realize as a young adult with anxiety and depression, i do not feel comfortable taking man made substances that alter my brain permanently. I have found a natural alternative and i'm happy! And i need to do what is best for me. I do plan on telling my parents but not for a while as i need to direct my attention to other things at the moment and can't deal with the added stress. I didn't come here to ask for a life advisor so please stop with the unsolicited advice. I literally just asked for the best way to smoke given my circumstances.
I was being sarcastic, well to a point, in my first comment. Basically if you're in washington, where marijuana is legal, and you're medical then I don't understand you're parents logic other than it being extortion. I mean do they tell you that you can't drink alcohol too?

Either way it is your life so do what fits you best and hopefully your parents will come around. Just sad that marijuana is 100% the best medical alternative to hundreds of bogus prescription drugs but yet people consider it a "drug" because of a smear campaign started in the 60s.


Well-Known Member
If it isnt a big enough deal to move out over, why are you here asking?

It is simple, grow up, act like an adult, and smoke responsibly.

Otherwise hold on to the nipple and do what your parents tell you.


Well-Known Member
Okay dumb dumb. Haven't you learned that the good old inter-web contorts truths into half truth and non truths?? Go to a book store or look at googles definition, which does not have such a lackadaisical interpretation of the word. Perception is not a synonym of invisible nor is invisible a synonym for perception. Read a book sometime "Professor". Either way all I was doing was giving someone a heads up about the dangers, someone who doesn't have much experience or knowledge and had asked us for some help. Is that a bad thing? Did I knock your shit or comment on anything you said in a negative way. No, not once. Now it's just a game of how many times I can out SMART you.
View attachment 3410056

Read definition number 2 by the authority on word definitions. Yep, you just keep out-smarting me.
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Well-Known Member
Oh man thats some coin for a broke college kid but i'll probably save up!
Just going to agree with father ramirez here the mflb is like the most subtle way to smoke, I've smoked in my room and had my mother come in right after and not even notice even though she used to smoke pot herself so she knows the smell... she's cool with me smoking but i just like the mflb and I've realised a lot of the time she doesn't seem to notice (she laughs and jokes about it when she catches me stoned so I know she doesn't know sometimes)

Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
A child is not an adult until they are on their own even then it's a stretch (in my 30's and that's me every damn day)

If it isnt a big enough deal to move out over, why are you here asking?
It is simple, grow up, act like an adult, and smoke responsibly.
Otherwise hold on to the nipple and do what your parents tell you.
Reading the rest of the thread OP has explained that's not an option yet, if OP's parents are insistent that they live with them, then there needs to be a little give and take in the relationship

Also magic flight boxes rock if they're too expensive this site sells lots of knock off electronics, check the forums and you'll see if it's the same quality as the original
usual stuff with ordering from China, long delivery times and possible customs charges


Well-Known Member
you're 21, I assume you're parents are older than you (usually a safe assumption), therefore you're all adults
Talking about it openly and honestly really is the best route, they need to accept you're not a small child any more, as a young adult they have to leave you to make your own mistakes and be there when you need them.
Hiding it, concealing it and ultimately lying to your parents will just lead to more stress, arguing and bad feelings between you all
it may seem difficult now but is explaining that you lied to them about something they clearly feel strongly about will be a lot more difficult. It doesn't have to be a fight, just tell them how you feel/what you need in a calm & reasonable manner, if they say something to upset you don't ride on the anger/hurt, rationally think about what it is that made you angry, consider that they love you when they say something stupid to annoy you, and bare that in mind while you take on what they said.
The volume of your argument is inverse to the validity of your argument, the louder someones got to shout the less strength what they say has.

if you really need to hide it, pretty much the sprays etc. advised above and never smoke to close to when you'll be around them for periods of time like dinner etc. give it 30-45 minutes, they'll pick up on your "altered" behaviour
Well Said This is the Right Answer, don't get mad talk it out, Great one.


Well-Known Member even then it's a stretch (in my 30's and that's me every damn day)

Reading the rest of the thread OP has explained that's not an option yet, if OP's parents are insistent that they live with them, then there needs to be a little give and take in the relationship

Also magic flight boxes rock if they're too expensive this site sells lots of knock off electronics, check the forums and you'll see if it's the same quality as the original
usual stuff with ordering from China, long delivery times and possible customs charges
Well, 1. Sunni laid it out. Instead of trying to figure out a way to get around the parents rule, why not just go outside and handle it?
2. No one can force you to live with them, that is called slavery. Is the OP a slave?

Truthfully, If I told my daughter no drugs in my house and I found out my daughter was working hard on figuring out a way to continue, I would kick her out of my house faster than she could blink. Period.